1. Feature Overview
The Analytics screen displays key metrics for all chatbots in your account. It shows crucial metrics like total messages, average response time, total handovers to agents, and more. These insights help you assess bot performance and identify areas for improvement. Use this data to optimize engagement and improve response efficiency.
2. Prerequisite
You must be an admin user to access the Analytics page.
3. View Analytics
To view the Analytics page –
- Navigate to Apps>Chatbot, and click Get Started.
- On the Chatbot screen, click Analytics.
4. Understand the Analytics
The following metrics are available on the Analytics page –
4.1 Top Bar
- From the All Bots dropdown, select the chatbot whose analytics you want to view. The All Bots option shows the average metrics for all chatbots in your account.
- Use the predefined date range options (e.g., Today, Last Week, Last 12 Weeks) to filter the analytics.
- If required, you can also add a custom date range.
4.2 Summary Metrics
All these metrics are displayed for the selected date range, and for the chosen bot –
- Total Messages – The total number of messages your bot sent to your leads.
- Total Sessions – The total number of bot sessions started. A session begins when either the bot initiates a conversation or a customer sends the first message.
- Unique Sessions – The total number of unique customers (leads) who interacted with the bot.
- Total Fallback Messages – The total number of fallback messages the bot sent.
- Workflows Completed – The number of times the Final Node was triggered inside the selected bot.
- Average Response Time – Displays the average time your bot takes to respond to a lead’s message.
- Drop Rate – Shows the number of times a lead dropped off from a chat. This is calculated using the number of times the Final Node was not triggered during a chatbot journey.
- Active Users – The number of leads who are currently having a conversation with the bot.
- Total AI Positive Feedbacks – The number of thumbs-up votes the bot received.
- Total AI Negative Feedbacks – The number of thumbs-down votes the bot received.
- Total Handover Count – The number of chats that were handed over to an agent in your organization.
4.3 Other Metrics
Most Frequent Messages – Lists the most common messages sent by leads to the bot.
Most Fallback Messages – Lists the most common lead messages that triggered the bot’s fallback response.
Any Questions?
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