Portals Update – October

Smart Links

Portals now support the creation of Smart Links, a feature designed to enhance how you guide leads through their journey. With Smart Links, you can seamlessly return users to where they left off, ensuring they complete crucial steps without losing progress.

For example, if a student begins filling out an application for an online course but leaves before completing the payment process, you can send a follow-up email with a customized link for them to continue. Clicking the Smart Link will take them directly to the predefined page in the portal (e.g., the payment page).

Portal smart links navigation


Mavis DB – Portals Integration

Mavis DB enables you to create databases to store master data (for courses, programs, projects, etc.) directly within your LeadSquared account. Integrating Mavis DB with LeadSquared portals makes this data easily accessible to your customers. Doing this lets you pull data from Mavis based on rules and real-time lead inputs to populate portal fields. You can also hide specific portal display cards depending on whether certain Mavis DB conditions are met.

Mavis Portal Integration


Hide on Device

This feature lets you control how layouts display on desktop or mobile through Portals Designer and Landing Pages Pro Designer. You can hide or show specific sections based on the device to create a cleaner, more tailored user experience. Select an element, choose the device to hide it from, and ensure it looks right on desktop or mobile.

portals designer hide on device