Customize LeadSquared Application Logo

1. Feature Overview

Personalize your account by uploading your organization’s logo in place of the default LeadSquared logo.

LeadSquared Logo


2. Prerequisite

You must be the Administrator of your LeadSquared account.


3. Upload a Logo

  1. Navigate to Settings>Profile>Custom Logo. 
  2. Click Update Logo.
  3. Once you’ve uploaded the new logo, click Save.


  • Only the following file types are supported –
    • gif.
    • jpg.
    • jpeg.
    • bmp.
    • tiff.
    • png.
  • Maximum file size allowed is 1024 KB.
  • There are no dimension limits for the logo.

LeadSquared - Upload logo


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27 days ago

The Logo upload option is not available in my profile how I can enable that?

Oshin Anand
Reply to  Deepa
24 days ago

Hi Deepa.
1. Navigate to Settings>Profile>Custom Logo on the LeadSquared Web App.
2. Click Update Logo.
3. Click Upload and select the relevant image from your device to set as the logo.
Custom Logo

If you are still unable to see this option, please reach out to and we’ll get back to you ASAP.