1. Feature Overview
You can set up multiple organizations in LeadSquared and seamlessly switch between them (Agency Switch). While setting up, it’s imperative to designate one organization as the master and the others (client organizations) as children.
You can control the organization switch feature by mapping users in the master organization with respective users in various child organizations.
When a user in the ‘master organization’ switches-in to a ‘child organization’, he assumes the profile of the user he’s been mapped to in the ‘child organization’.
- This feature is not available by default. If you have multiple organizations you’d like to create LeadSquared accounts for, contact us at support@leadsquared.com.
- The organization switch setting is only available to admin users of the master organization.
- Custom logos are not visible when using the organization switch. There is currently no feature to display custom logos in this mode due to space limitations.
2. Example Use Cases
The most common use case we see is marketing agencies that want to switch in and out of their client’s LeadSquared accounts. In addition you can also apply role level settings –
- You can map a marketing user in your ‘master organization’ (marketing agency) with users of any role in the ‘child organizations’ (clients).
- You can map a sales user in your ‘master organization’ to an admin user in your ‘child organization’. When logged in to the child organization, this user will have access to all administrator features and permissions.
3. Switching Between Organizations
You can configure how you want organization (agency) switch to work. As part of the configuration you’ll have to create mappings between users in your master organization and those in the child organizations.
To access the organization switch settings, you’ll need to satisfy these prerequisites –
- You must have multiple organizations configured in LeadSquared.
- You must be an administrator user in the master organization.
- If you want to track updates accurately, we recommend you create the same user in all accounts (master and children) and then map them.
For example, create John Doe in the master account and in, say, child account 1 and child account 2. Then map John Doe in the master account to John Doe in each of the child accounts.
Here’s how you can configure the organization switch setting –
- Navigate to My Account>Settings>Users and Permissions>Organization Switch. Click the Create Mapping button.
- On the Create Sub-Organization User Mapping pop up, select a user (from the master organization) from the drop-down. Then click Create Mapping.
- Alongside the sub-organization you want to map the user to, under the Actions columns, click the edit
- A drop-down to select the user (in the child organization) will appear under the Sub-Organization User column. Select a user.
Note: The user’s role will be visible under their email id in the drop-down. This is the role the main organization user will assume when switching in as the child organization user. - Repeat the process (step 3 and 4) for other sub-organizations if required.
- Click Save when you’re done. The mapping will now appear under the organization switch grid where you can view, edit or delete it.
4. How to Switch Between Organizations
When you’ve configured multiple organizations and created the mappings, the option to switch between them will appear on the main menu of your account. Click the expand arrow to view child organizations.
Note: Only the organizations your user has been mapped to will appear in your menu.
When you switch-in to a child organization, you’ll assume the profile (including the roles and permissions) of the user you’ve been mapped to –
5. Notes
- You can map any user role in your master organization, to any user role in the child organizations.
For example, you can map a sales user in the master organization to an admin user in the child organization. - Only 1 to 1 mapping is permitted per organization.
So if I map John (master org.) to Frank (child org. 1), I can’t map Bob (master org.) to Frank (child org. 1).
However, I can still map John (master org.) to Alice (child org. 2).
6. Troubleshooting
Issue: Admin User Logged Out When Accessing Manage Portal. An admin user encounters a problem where they get logged out when trying to access the Manage Portals section.
Root Cause: This issue occurs because the Manage Portals feature is not available when using the organization switch. If an admin switches to another organization and then attempts to access the portal, they will be logged out.
Workaround Solution:
There is no direct workaround to access the portal while using the organization switch. The only solution is to create a separate user account for the other organization and access the portal using that account.
Any Questions?
Did you have any trouble understanding or implementing organization switch? Is there something more you’d like to know? We’d love to converse with you in the comments section below!
Can I disable the organization switch if I don’t want to use it in future?
Hi, Bala. This can be done. To get it done for your account, please reach out to your account manager.