Virtual Number Filtering in UTC Click2Call

1. Feature Overview

Admins can now apply additional filters to Virtual Numbers in UTC Click2Call, beyond the existing Team Assignment. The new feature allows filtering based on business use cases by defining a user field schema in the Virtual Numbers tab.

Note: This is an additional filter that will be applied over and above the team assignment filter for each user.


2. Prerequisites


3. Filter Virtual Numbers for Users

For example, consider the following Virtual Numbers and their respective tags –

Telephony virtual number filter

Next, assign only the Bangalore and Mumbai tags to a respective user through a custom field.

c2c filtering user profile

On the UTC Click 2 Call tab, toggle the Enable Virtual Number Filter switch, and select the user custom field with the virtual number tags (previous step).

c2c filtering custom field

Now, only these virtual numbers will be shown to the respective user.

virtual numbers shown


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