CC / BCC option in Email

1. Feature Overview

While sending one-to-one email to a lead, you can mark other leads in CC/BCC as per your requirement. For information on sending one – one emails in LeadSquared see – Send Quick One – One Emails to a leads.


2. Prerequisite

To mark someone as CC, they must be a lead in your LeadSquared account.

Note: Using CC / BCC feature disables the trackability of emails sent from LeadSquared. If email is sent to multiple recipients, tracking would not be accurate.


3. Selecting CC/BCC

  1. On the Administrator Dashboard, navigate to Leads>Manage Leads and click on Leadsquared - email icon icon next to the relevant lead.
  2. On the draft mail screen, click on CC or BCC to add other leads.

Leadsquared - CC/BCC

Note: Email personalization will only work if there is a single recipient. If there are multiple recipients and you use CC/BCC, only the lead alongside ‘To’ will be picked to do the personalization.


4. Tracking Email

To enable email tracking –

  1. Once you draft the email, on the right side, click on the Leadsquared - Settings icon.
  2. Click on the checkbox alongside Track Email.

Leadsquared - Track emails


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