LeadSquared Mobile App Updates – Android (v11.5)

The latest updates for our app, which is available on the Google PlayStore.


Activity Audio Recording

You can now record the audio of face-to-face meetings through the LeadSquared mobile app. You can configure and set-up Audio Recording from Additional Mobile Settings. There are two recording modes available – Single Activity Mode and Dual Activity Mode. To know more, please refer to Audio Recording for F2F Meetings.

LeadSquared Mobile app



  • The “Make Read Only” form rule is now supported on the mobile app. This rule enables you to make certain fields “read-only”, based on the input of other fields. For example, if a lead selects a product on the form, then the product details fields can be made “read-only”. It’s available on the Forms Designer, under Rules. To know how to set-up rules on a form, please refer to How to Create a Form.

LeadSquared Mobile App updates


LeadSquared Mobile App updates



You can now sort accounts on the basis of Modified On, Account Name, Created On, and Last Activity On fields.

LeadSquared Mobile App updates


Leads Near Me

We’ve improved the user interface for the Leads Near Me feature, and we now show leads in the same area in a numbered cluster.

LeadSquared Mobile App updates



We’ve now added a date-range filter in opportunities.