Triggers in Lead, Opportunity, Activity and Task Automations

1. Feature Overview

A trigger defines when leads enter your automation.

LeadSquared Automation


  • Once an automation is triggered 50 times for a lead within a single day, it will automatically terminate. This is done to prevent any potential looping.
  • For information on data posted by each trigger, see Automation Triggers – Data Posted.
  • The User Trigger lets you decide when users, not leads, enter your automation (see Triggers in User Automation).
  • To enable opportunities on your account, please write to
  • To perform bulk updates through automation, contact your billing team or reach out to

You can choose any of the following triggers –


CategoryTriggerExample Use Case
Lead TriggerNew LeadTriggers the automation when a new lead is created in your LeadSquared account.

  • Send an opt-in email for further email communication.
  • Send the lead a welcome email.
  • Automatically distribute new leads to your users.

Note: You can also trigger the automation on lead import. There’s a Trigger on Import checkbox available in the lead create dialog box.

trigger automation on lead import

Lead UpdateTriggers an automation when one or more lead fields are updated.

  • Send the lead an email when the lead stage changes from, say, prospect to customer.
  • Send the lead owner an email when the lead’s score increases.
  • Notify the lead owner if a lead’s location changes.
Note: A Lead Update trigger that updates the Owner will not trigger when the lead owner is changed through the distributed lead card. This is done to improve performance and avoid looping.
Lead Added to ListTriggers when a lead is added to a list.

  • Add leads with low engagement to a separate list and send them specific nurturing emails.
  • When a lead is added to a ‘Priority’ list, update the lead stage to ‘Customer’.


  • You can also manually trigger an automation from a static list using the checkbox below.


  • Once you publish this automation, the ‘Trigger Automation’ option will appear under list actions on the list details page (for the static lists selected in the automation trigger).

trigger automation from list details page

On a Specific DateTriggers on a chosen date.

  • Send emails on special occasions like birthdays, holidays, etc.
  • Set up a customer retention process on renewal dates.
Opportunity TriggerNew OpportunityTriggers an automation when a new opportunity is created or added to an existing lead in your account.

  • Send an opt-in email to the lead for further email communication.
  • Automatically distribute new opportunities to your users and/or teams.
Opportunity UpdateTriggers an automation when one or more opportunity fields are updated or changed.

  • Send the lead an email when the opportunity status changes from, say, open to won.
  • Send the opportunity owner an email when the opportunity stage changes.
On a Specific DateTriggers on a chosen date.

  • Send emails on special occasions like birthdays, holidays, etc.
  • Set up a customer retention process on renewal dates.
Activity TriggerNew Activity on LeadTriggers when a lead performs an activity or set of activities.

  • Send a thank you email when a lead submits a form.
  • Automatically add leads to a list if they open a particular email campaign.
  • Send a special offer email to a lead who’s viewed your pricing page.
Activity Update on LeadTriggers when an activity posted on a lead gets updated. This trigger only includes custom and sales activities.

  • When a sales activity is added to a lead, update the lead stage to ‘customer’.
  • When a custom activity (e.g., site visit) status is updated to ‘complete’, send the lead an email.
New Activity on OpportunityTriggers when a lead under an opportunity performs an activity or set of activities.

  • Send a reminder when the lead’s free trial period ends.
  • Schedule communication to be sent once the lead agree’s to a meeting.
Activity Update on OpportunityTriggers when an activity posted on an opportunity gets updated. This trigger only includes custom activities.

  • Send communication for when an appointment is rescheduled.
  • Notify the opportunity owner when an activity is completed.
New Activity on ActivityTriggers when an activity is posted on an existing activity.

  • Notify sales users when an activity on activity is posted.
  • Create tasks (like meetings, phone calls, etc.) related to the activity.
  • Change the lead status when an activity on activity is posted.
Task TriggerTask Created on LeadTriggers when a task is created on a lead.

  • Notify users with a personalized email with all the available mail merge fields.
Task Updated on LeadTriggers when a task is updated on a lead.

  • Notify users when the meeting schedule with a lead gets updated.
Task Reminder for LeadTriggers when a task reminder is created.

  • Send emails to users reminding them to collect certain lead details or documents related to the task.
Task Completed on LeadTriggers on the completion of a task.

  • Post an activity once a task is completed. You can then create a follow-up task for a different team. For example, once the sales team has completed a task, post an activity and then create a task for the accounts team.
Task Created on OpportunityTriggers when a task is created on an opportunity.

  • Notify users with a personalized email when an appointment is scheduled with the lead.
Task Updated on OpportunityTriggers when a task is updated on an opportunity.

  • Notify users with a personalized email when a meeting schedule is updated with the lead/opportunity.
Task Completed on OpportunityTriggers on the completion of a task.

  • Post an activity once a task is completed. You can then create a follow-up task for a different team. For example, once the sales team has completed a task, post an activity and then create a task for the accounts team.
Task Reminder for OpportunityTriggers when a task reminder is created.

  • Send emails to users reminding them to collect documents related to the opportunity.
At Regular IntervalsAt Regular IntervalsTriggers at defined recurring intervals

  • If you’re using another third-party system or application, set up and automation to push bulk data (lead, activity, task information, etc.) from Leadsquared at regular intervals.
  • Keep 2 accounts or systems in sync by triggering webhooks or lapps to run at defined intervals.
  • Set up an automation to run every morning and distribute leads based on user availability.
  • Run an automation every day to update a lead field.


2. Exit Conditions

After selecting an automation trigger, you can setup exit conditions. Leads will be removed from your automation when these exit conditions are met.

Note: The automation checks to see if the exit conditions are met before executing any action. If they are met, the next action will not be performed on that lead.

For example, let’s say you want to set up an automation that sends nurturing emails to leads to convert them to customers. You can set up an exit condition so that all leads who become customers (Lead Stage = Customer) are removed from the automation and stop receiving the nurturing emails.

Click the Choose conditions(s) to remove lead(s) from this automation link highlighted below.

exit conditions

Next, select the conditions based on which you want leads to exit the automation.

automation exit conditions


3. Examples

Example 1: Activity Update on Lead
Here’s an example where the Activity Update on Lead trigger is selected.
The Sales Activity is selected as the Activity Type and Sales Owner is selected as the Activity Field. The automation starts when the sales owner value changes from ‘Any’ to ‘Any’.

For all automation triggers, you can also set up additional conditions to make your automation more versatile. Using this functionality, you can use multiple conditions to trigger your automation.
As an example, say you want to start your automation when a new lead is created but only if the new lead created is from Bengaluru. You can set this up by adding additional conditions to the automation trigger.


Example 2: On a Specific Date
Select this trigger to start your automation on a specific date. The specific date can be the ‘created on’ date of your lead or the date of the first landing page submission. This could be used as a condition to send a welcome email when a lead is created/submits on a landing page.

Note: All timings related to date based triggers automatically reflect the user’s time zone and not Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Select the lead field as –

  • Created On – This is the date on which a lead is created in your LeadSquared account.
  • First Landing Page Submission Date – This is the date on which the first landing page submission of a lead occurs.
  • Lead Conversion Date – This is the date on which a visitor is converted into a lead in your LeadSquared account.

You can schedule the automation to start when the date condition is satisfied. You can also specify the time you want to trigger the automation at. You can also use Repeat Annually to trigger the automation on the same day every year.

Note: Additional Conditions can also be provided to check the leads entering into the automation.


Example 3: Lead Update

lead update

As an example, Lead Update is the starting point of this automation. When the Lead City changes, after a Wait condition of one day, an email is sent to the lead with the details of the location. If the Lead opens the Email, another \email is sent to the Lead with more details. If the email is not opened after one day, a notification is sent to the lead owner to contact the Lead.


Example 4: New Activity on Lead

new activity on lead

New Activity on Lead is the starting point of this automation. When a lead satisfies the Met in Tradeshow activity, a Wait condition of one day is provided. After one day, if the activity of the lead is Inbound Phone Call Activity, an email is sent to the lead with the product details. If not, the lead owner is notified with the lead name and lead phone number to follow-up.


Example 5: Lead Added to List

added to a list

When a Lead is added to a Starred Lead list, the Lead Stage is changed to Premium User. Once the Lead Stage is updated, an email is sent to the lead with the benefits of being a premium user of your product.


Example 6: At Regular Intervals

This automation is set up to post the activity data of certain leads to another application.

cron example

It triggers for leads at 9 a.m. every day and pushes any activity that has been posted on leads the previous day.

cron job


Any Questions?

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11 months ago

Is there anyway to create an automation where if a lead field updates from a to b then a field in a new column gets updated?

Sri Sudhan
Reply to  Meherzad
11 months ago

Hey, Mehrezad, if I understood your question correctly, yes, it’s possible. For example, you can set up an automation using the Lead Update trigger. When the Lead Stage field changes from Prospect to Engaged, you can select Update Lead under Lead Actions, and then update the Owner to Meherzad. I hope this helps.