Capture Google Adwords Value Tracking Parameters in LeadSquared

1. Feature Overview

This article helps you capture Google Adwords value tracking parameters keywords and devices.


2. Procedure

2.1 Create Lead Fields

  1. From the default LeadSquared dashboard, go to My Account>Settings>Customization>Lead Fields. The Lead Fields area appears.

Google Adwords

2. Click Create. Complete the details as highlighted in the image below and click SaveFor detailed information, refer to How to create Custom Fields in LeadSquared?

Google Adwords

3. Create another custom field for the keyword UTM_term, as described in the step above.


2.2 Create Tracking Templates for Adwords

Create your tracking URL (with 2 additional values) – utm_term and utm_device.

A sample code –


By adding this code, Adwords tracks the device and keyword values dynamically, and captures this in your LeadSquared system.

Note Make sure these parameters in the code is in the proper format. UTM_keyword={Keyword}. If the code is UTM_Keyword=%7keyword%7, the following value is captured  =%7keyword%7.


2.3 Place the Tracking Templates in Adwords

  1. Enter the landing page URL & tracking template in correct places of Adwords which is the step where you create the ad.

Google Adwords

2. Enter the desktop Landing page URL in the first text box.
3. Under Ad URL Options (advanced), enter the mobile Landing Page URL in the first box.
4. In the second box (highlighted with blue in the above image), enter the tracking template.

Note – Enter the template in the text box as highlighted in the image only.


2.4 Value Capture in LeadSquared

When a user clicks your ad from a desktop or any mobile device, the corresponding value is automatically captured in LeadSquared.

  • For Desktop or Laptops, value for UTM_device = “C”
  • For Mobile, value of UTM_device = ”M”
  • For Tablet, value of UTM_device = ”T”

How do the details appear in LeadSquared?

If you notice Step 1, you had created UTM_device field under the Additional Details section (highlighted in black). As per your convenience, you can create a field under any sections like Lead Details, Company Details and so on.

Google Adwords

To view the captured value –

  • Open the lead from Adwords campaign and click the Lead Details section. Under the Additional Details section, you can view the lead fields & the values that are captured.

Google Adwords

Google Adwords

Google Adwords


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