Create Custom Lead Fields

1. Feature Overview

You can create new custom lead fields apart from the default ones available in the system. This feature helps you capture additional details about your leads, related to your business. You can also modify the Display Name of an existing, unused lead field instead of creating a new field if the Data Input Types of the field matches your requirement.

Here are some examples of custom lead fields you can create –

Industry Examples of Custom Fields
Banking and Financial ServicesAadhar Number, Social Security Number, Credit Score, etc.
Education and Ed-Tech12th Grade Results, Course Interest, etc.
Real EstateLocation Interest, Budget, Property Type, etc.
HealthcarePatient Id, Age, Previous Diagnosis, etc.
GenericSpouse’s Name, Permanent Address, Marital Status, Gender, etc.

2. Prerequisites

You must be the Administrator of your account.


3. Create Custom Lead Fields

  1. Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Leads>Lead Fields.
  2. Click create icon.
  3. Enter the relevant details.
  4. Click Save.

LeadSquared - Create Custom Lead Fields


4. Lead Field Properties

These properties help in customizing the lead fields you create –

  • Display Name – It is the label of custom field (e.g., Alternate Mobile Number, Temporary Address, etc.).
  • Include Field in Section – It allows you to select the section the new lead field will be added in. You can select the section based on your business requirement and usage. The three sections are Lead details, Additional details, and Hidden Fields. You can view these sections when you are adding a new lead.
  • Mail Merge Default Value – This is the default value to be used during mail merge, if the data for the particular lead field is not available.
  • Data Input Type – It is the data type of the custom field. For example, if the data type is Number then the user can enter only numbers in this field.
Note: If you want to add a large number of drop-down options to a lead field, see Large Options Set for Lead Fields.
Data TypeRendered AsExample
Text (string)TextboxDesignation
NumberTextbox. You can select the type as Decimal or Integer from the Number Type drop-down.Fax Number
EmailEmailAlternate Email Id
PhoneTextbox or Phone ControllerPhone Number
WebsiteURLCompany Blog
DateDateFollow Up Date
TimeTimeFollow Up Time
BooleanRadio button or CheckboxValid Passport
DropdownDropdown Values.

  • To add more options, click Add.
  • To change the order of the options, click Arrow to change the order of lead sources or Arrow to change the order of lead sources.
  • To delete an option, click .
MultiSelect DropdownLets you select multiple drop-down options.Courses opted for
Custom Field Set(CFS)Customizable data type. It can be used to upload documents, images, etc. To know more, see Custom Field Sets.PAN card

  • Include in Mail Merge – Selecting this check box will allow you to include this custom field in the mail merge. The field value can then be dynamically merged, for personalization when sending Email Campaigns, for automation, integrations, etc.
  • Is Mandatory – Selecting this check box will make the lead field mandatory; i.e. the user will not be able to create the lead record without filling details in this field.
  • Include in Quick Search Makes this lead field searchable through the Quick Search feature on the Manage Leads page.
  • Show in Quick Add – Selecting this check box enables this field to appear when you are creating new lead records through the Quick Add Lead option.
  • Lock After Create – Selecting this check box prevents non-admin users from updating the field once it’s been created.
  • Use in Lead Clone – Selecting this check box will auto-populate the field when the lead is being cloned.
  • Show in Import – Selecting this checkbox will enable the user to map this field when importing lead information through the Import Lead option.


  • Once the Lead Field is created, you’ll be able to make changes only to the Mail MergeDefault Value, Maximum Length, and Is Mandatory options.
  • File type CFS lead fields cannot be included in mail merge.


5. FAQs

1. How to Create a Currency Field?

To display a number field as currency, admins can specify a Currency Format in the Company Profile Settings.

  1. From the LeadSquared Dashboard, navigate to Settings>Profile>Company Profile.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Alongside Default Currency, click Format and select the relevant comma separated currency format from the dropdown and click Save.

Leadsquared - Currency Format


  1. Navigate to Settings>Leads>Manage Custom Field Sets.
  2. Click Create.
  3. On the Create Custom Field Set pop-up, enter the Name and Description and click Next.
  4. Here, click Add Field, add a Display Name and select Number from the Type dropdown.
  5. Click seria sales user dashboard actions and select Currency from the Show As dropdown.

Leadsquared - Currency Format

Note: Numbers can also be displayed in the Currency Format for Lead, Opportunity, Task and Activity.


Any Questions?

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3 months ago

Hi, I want to add a custom Lead field that will be used in Leads and Opportunities and I want the value to be automatically updated based on the Audit of the Lead.

Custom Field1 = Latest_Update
Custom Field 2 = is_Called

I want the logic in such a way that if during the journey of the lead, if the “Latest_Update” field is set to “Called” then the “is_Called” field should be set to “True” until then it should be “False”

Last edited 3 months ago by Allan
Zaid Assadi
Reply to  Allan
3 months ago

Hi Allan,

You can achieve this using LeadSquared’s Automation feature.

First, create the Lead Fields:

Latest_Update – Tracks the latest action on the Lead.
Is_Called – Ensure this field has a default value of “False” by selecting the ‘False’ radio button option.

is called custom field

Set Up Automation:

Trigger Card: Create a trigger card of Lead Update when the “Latest_Update” field changes.
If/Else Card: Add the condition “Latest_Update = Called”
Action Card: Add a Lead Update action card with the condition “Is_Called = True”

Lead called automation flow

This setup will ensure the “Is_Called” field updates automatically based on the specified condition. If you need further assistance, please send an email to

4 months ago

Can we create multiple lead fields at one time using any API?

Oshin Anand
Reply to  Abhishek
4 months ago

Hi, Abhishek.
You cannot create multiple lead fields at one time using API. However, there’s an API that lets you create a single lead field.

1 year ago

I want once my sales users enter the data in the Lead Field they don’t have access to overright or change the data of that lead field. Let me know how can we achieve this.

Reply to  Dharshana Santhanam
1 year ago

Hi Dharshana,
I have created the permission template and restricted the edit field but when the user is going to enter the data the first time it shows the restrictions on it.