How to use Olark Connector?

LeadSquared Olark Connector will help you track Chat Activities with your current and new leads. For existing leads, it helps you to track each chat conversation as an activity under Lead Activity History. If the conversation is with a new lead, the new lead is added in LeadSquared and the conversation is tracked under Activity history of that new lead.


  1. You should be Admin user of LeadSquared to access the connector.
  2. Apart from capturing Lead data and chat transcripts, you can also capture Olark Group Data and page on which chat started. If you want to capture any of both of these, you need to create corresponding custom fields first.  You may choose “Olark Chat Group” and “Chat Start Page”  as the name of the two respective fields.


To Add Olark Connector, follow these steps:

Browse to Apps > Apps Marketplace, select Olark connector and click on ‘Install’ button

olark config

Configuring Olark Connector:

On Installing the app, click on Olark connector where you will be redirected to Olark chat connector details page. This is not yet ready to be used.  You need do two simple configuration steps to make it functional.


OR, On Installing the app, click on Show Installed Apps tab to configure Olark connector.


This will open up the Olark Connector Configuration dialog.

Connector Setup

  1. If a chat conversation happens with a new lead, the Source will be set to “Olark Chat” by default. You can again change this configuration.
  2. Each chat conversation will be tracked as an activity in LeadSquared.  By default, we create a custom activity called “Olark Chat Conversation” for your convenience.  You can use it, or if you wish to create your own activity and use that, you may do so.
  3. [optional] You can specify the custom field to capture Olark chat group info (your Olark account needs to support groups)
  4. [optional] You can specify a custom field to capture the page URL where chat started.

Once your settings are complete, click “Save Settings”.   You will see a message on the top on config windows:

Olark Config done

As the message suggests,  to start capturing Olark chat in LeadSquared, add the displayed URL in your  Olark Webhooks. Copy the displayed URL. It will be in following format:<your org id>&AccessToken=<your access token>

Login to Olark and navigate to Settings->Integrations->Webhooks

Olark Settings

  1. Paste the displayed URL that you got from LeadSquared Olark connector Config windows
  2. Check “Send ALL transcripts automatically”
  3. Save

Once you Save the settings, all chat conversations will start getting tracked in LeadSquared:

Chat logged in LSQ

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