Languages Available in LeadSquared

1. Feature Overview

You can change the language used in your LeadSquared account. Keep in mind that the entire user interface does not get translated into the language you have chosen. Some words and buttons would still be displayed in English.

Note: The localization feature isn’t available by default for the LeadSquared Platform and for ACE. To enable this feature, contact your account manager or write to It is available by default for Marvin and the LeadSquared Mobile App.


2. Languages Available in LeadSquared

2.1 LeadSquared Platform

The regular LeadSquared platform supports the following languages –

  • English.
  • Hindi.
  • Indonesian.
  • Portuguese Brazilian.
  • Spanish Latin America.
  • Vietnamese.

You can change the language displayed in your LeadSquared account on the top left side of your account, next to your logo or on the bottom part of the page.

Note: supports Indonesian in some features on the following pages –

    • Products.
    • Solutions.
    • Industries.
    • Pricing.
    • Demo pages.

LeadSquared - Change Language on regular platform


2.2 Ace

Ace supports the following languages –

  • English.
  • Hindi.
  • Indonesian.
  • Portuguese Brazilian.
  • Spanish Latin America.
  • Vietnamese.

You can change the language displayed in your Ace account on the top right side of your account, next to your logo or on the bottom part of the page as shown in the image below –

LeadSquared - Change language on ACE


2.3 Marvin

Marvin supports the following languages –

  • English.
  • Hindi.
  • Indonesian.
  • Portuguese Brazilian.
  • Spanish Latin America.
  • Vietnamese.
  • Arabic.

To change the language displayed in your Marvin account –

  1. On the bottom left of your screen, click My Profile.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Under Personalisation tab, click the dropdown under Language and select the relevant option.

LeadSquared - change language in marvin


2.4  Mobile App

The LeadSquared mobile app supports the following languages –

  • English.
  • Hindi.
  • Indonesian.
  • Portuguese Brazilian.
  • Spanish Latin America.
  • Vietnamese.
  • Tamil.
  • Gujarati.

To change the language displayed in your mobile app –

  1. Click LeadSquared - Mobile app menu.
  2. Click Setting icon.
  3. Select Set Language and choose the relevant language.

LeadSquared - Change language in mobile app


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