Large Options Set – Create a Large Number of Drop-down Options

1. Feature Overview

In some instances, you may need to create lead and activity drop-down fields with  up to 1 lakh (100,000) options/values. For example –

  • If you’re in the education industry, you may want to list down a large number of schools.
  • If you work in healthcare, you may need a drop-down with a large list of doctors or hospitals.
  • Or, irrespective of your industry you might want to input a large number of cities and locations.

The Large Options Set (LOS) feature lets you tackle these use cases by allowing you to import a large number of drop-down values to lead and activity fields.

Note: This feature is available for system and custom lead fields, and custom activity fields.

For information on how to create lead and activity fields, see –


2. Prerequisite

You must be an administrator user of your LeadSquared account.


3. Lead Fields

The process for creating a large number of drop-down options varies slightly for lead and activity fields. For lead fields –

  1. Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Leads>Lead Fields.
  2. You can either create a new lead field or edit an existing drop-down type field.
    • Click the Create button to create a new field or,
    • Alongside the field you want to edit, hover your cursor over the settings icon, then click Edit.
  3. Under Input Data Properties, in the Data Input Type field, select Dropdown.
  4. In the Show As field, select Searchable Dropdown.
  5. You can either enter the options manually, separated by commas, in the Set Options text area, or click the link below to import a CSV file of options.
    1. If you click the Click here to import CSV… link, an Upload File pop-up will appear.
    2. It is recommended to first click the Sample CSV link to download a sample file.
    3. Create your CSV file in the format exemplified by the sample file. On the Upload File pop-up, either click the Click to Upload CSV… link or drag and drop the file into the highlighted area.
    4. The imported options will now appear in the Set Options text area.
  6. Configure all other field properties you require and click Save when you’re done.

Large Options Set for Leads


4. Activity Fields

For activity fields –

  1. Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Leads>Custom Activities & Scores.
  2. You can either create a new lead field or edit an existing drop-down type field.
    • Click the Add button to create a new activity or,
    • Alongside the field you want to edit, click the Edit pencil icon icon.
  3. Click Next to navigate to step 2 of 3. Alongside any dropdown type field, click the settings icon.
  4. Click the Click here to import a CSV… link and follow the same instructions listed in the ‘Lead Fields’ section above.
  5. Click Next to navigate to step 3 of 3 on custom activity pop-up, then click Save.

Large Options Set for Activities


5. Limitations

  • The CSV file size should not exceed 30 MB
  • The maximum number of options/values supported is 1,00,000
  • The character limit for each option is 200


Any Questions?

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