LeadSquared Generic Telephony Connector

1. Feature Overview

LeadSquared Generic Telephony Connector (LGTC) allows you to integrate any cloud telephony service with LeadSquared and it works across all regions. Your developer would need to understand the standard format of data to be posted into LeadSquared.

Note: For all new implementations, we suggest configuring LGTC as an instance within the Universal Telephony Connector. This allows you to not only integrate multiple telephony providers but also leverage powerful features like team mapping.

LeadSquared Generic Telephony Connector has the following features:

  • Capture Call logs
  • Click to Call
  • Agent Popup
  • Call Routing
  • Call Disposition
  • Single sign-on API

Follow the steps below to configure the LeadSquared Generic Telephony Connector in your account –


2. Prerequisites

  • You must be an Administrator to install and configure this connector.
  • You may require coding experience to configure the connector with your telephony provider.


3. Installation

Navigate to Apps>Apps Marketplace>Telephony, and under the LeadSquared Generic Telephony Connector, click Install 



4. Configuration

Click on Settings>Configure




Enter the name of the Telephony service provider and save.



Virtual Numbers

Add virtual numbers and tag name one by one and save it.



Call Route

This API is used to get the lead/opportunity owner. It is setup up automatically.

  1. Copy the Call Route API URL from Call Route API tab on the popup and deploy it in your cloud telephony account.
  2. Use HTTP GET method to send the data. Please refer to the usage section to understand how to send the data.

LeadSquared Generic Telephony Connector


Agent Popup

You may enable Real-time Inbound Call Notification to the User, seen in the form of an Incoming Call Popup, whenever an inbound call from a lead (made to your virtual number) is routed to the LeadSquared User.


  • Incoming calls matching a lead’s secondary phone number will be tracked without creating a duplicate lead.
  • If you have multiple leads with the same phone number, you can pass the LeadId in the Agent Popup API. This will ensure that the correct lead details appear in the agent popup. For e.g., "LeadId": "4c70ce73-0732-4977-85a2-fb49a978b85c".
  1. Copy the Agent Popup API URL from Agent popup tab and deploy it in your cloud telephony account.
  2. Use HTTP POST method to send the data to LeadSquared in JSON format.
  3. Enable Agent Popup by selecting the checkbox.

Please refer the ‘Usage’ section to understand how to send the data.

updated agent popup api

The agent panel gives you a convenient way to manage your call center actions directly from your LeadSquared account. You can add a custom URL here, and append mail merge parameters (click the help help icon). The Use External URL option allows you to configure a custom URL to show/load the agent pop-up.


Call Log

All Inbound and Outbound calls made through your Telephony account can be logged in LeadSquared by setting up Call Logs.

After a call (incoming or outgoing) you can post the call logs to LeadSquared. This ensures that each phone interaction is logged in LeadSquared.

When your Telephony provider calls the LeadSquared API, data can be pushed into LeadSquared using POST method in JSON format.





"StartTime":"2015-08-20 18:26:38",

"EndTime":"2015-08-20 18:26:38",



"CallNotes":"Enquired about product",









 PropertySample ValueDescriptionMandatory
 SourceNumber+919611795983For Inbound Call-  Lead’s contact  number
For Outbound Call-  Caller’s Number or  Agent’s number
DestinationNumber+919611795980For Inbound Call-  Caller’s Number or  Agent’s number
For outbound Call-  Lead’s contact  number
DisplayNumber+919020897874Virtual(DID) Number provided by the providerYes
StartTime2015-08-20 18:26:38Start time of the callYes
EndTime2015-08-20 18:26:50End time of the callYes
CallDuration12Duration of call in secondsYes
StatusAnsweredStatus of the call, can be Answered, Missed, VoicemailYes
CallNotesEnquired about a productAdditional notes about the callNo
ResourceURLServer/filename.extensionURL of the file with a recording of the conversationNo
DirectionInboundInbound or OutboundYes
CallSessionId080673309211440075398Call Unique IdentifierNo
CallerNameRamCaller’s NameNo
CallerCityBangaloreCaller’s CityNo
CallerStateKarnatakaCaller’s StateNo
CallerCountryIndiaCaller’s CountryNo
CallerZipCode5600102Caller’s zip codeNo

You will find the Call Log API URL in Call Log API tab on the popup, deploy it in your cloud telephony account to log inbound and outbound phone calls.

Please refer to the usage section to understand how to send the data.


Note: CallSessionId should be unique to avoid posting duplicate call logs.

Click 2 Call

The Click2Call feature enables your sales reps/agents to place an outbound phone call just by clicking the lead’s phone number (on the Manage Leads or Lead Details pages). If you use the Opportunities feature, click 2 call can be used to call leads from the Opportunity Management and Opportunity Details pages as well.

Depending on the capabilities of your telephony provider, it can be configured using either a server-side API or a client-side script.

Server-side API

This is the default configuration option.

Your telephony provider’s Click2Call API is configured here, and you can append mail-merge parameters (like agent phone number, lead phone number, etc.) to the API URL to facilitate the calling functionality.

  1. Pass the Click2Call API in the URL textbox.
  2. You may optionally pass custom headers to the API for authentication.
  3. Select the HTTP method needed by the telephony operators Click2Call API.
  4. Map a keyword from the response of the Click2Call API. Typically we use a keyword like “success”. This lets our system know that the API request fired correctly and a response was received.
  5. Click the Enable Checkbox checkbox.

LeadSquared Telephony Features

Client-side Script

For telephony providers with JavaScript SDKs, the Click2Call functionality can be configured using a client-side script. The outbound phone call functionality will be handled by the script and the call will be initiated via the browser to the telephony provider.

  1. Enter the URL of the Javascript file, which must be hosted on the LeadSquared domain (external domains are not supported). The JS file will be published only after an internal review process.
  2. You can pass data to the script using mail-merge parameters (like agent phone number, lead phone number, etc.).

LeadSquared Telephony Integration


  • For a sample JS file template, please reach out to your account manager
  • Additionally, a flag called Is Softphone Enabled must be checked for each agent, in the user settings UI. This also disables the “Agent Panel” for the agents.

LeadSquared User Settings


Call Disposition

When the call is ended between User and client, some of the telephony providers will not free the agent to take another call unless the current call is disposed, so the call has to be disposed with appropriate values.

After integration, the user can dispose calls from LeadSquared.

For it Create a Custom dropdown field in LeadSquared (say Disposition) with Call disposition options/values.

Now when the call is ended agent can select appropriate disposition value on Call/Agent-Notification Popup and dispose the call and get ready for the new call.

  1. Deploy URL provided by your telephony service in URL field with necessary parameters.
  2. Select the HTTP method in which your telephony service accepts the data.
  3. Select the request and response details.
  4. You can initiate the following actions (and make them mandatory if required) once a call is disposed –
    • Create a task.
    • Create a custom activity.
    • Update a lead field.

LeadSquared Telephony Integrations


Single Sign-on API

This API will help you to embed LeadSquared within your telephony application.

Use Single sign-on API and use HTTP POST method to send data to LeadSquared in JSON format. And to get lead details use Lead Details API.

Please refer to the usage section to understand how to send the data.



Integrate with Opportunities

You can integrate the LeadSquared Generic Telephony Connector (LGTC) connector with LeadSquared Opportunities. To know how to do this, please refer to Opportunity Integrations in Telephony.

This will enable you to track phone call interactions with your leads, for each opportunity or potential deal. Completed calls will get posted as activities, against the respective opportunities, on the Opportunity Details page.


Any Questions?

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2 years ago

Outbound Calls:

How to add custom value to the field Call Origin displayed in outbound call lead details?

Call Origin | Web

I want to push data through the Post a Call Log – Api . However there is no field schema present for Call origin in documentation

Vir Singh
Reply to  Naved
2 years ago

Hi Naved,
The call origin field is a system field that can’t be edited. However, you can push the ‘web’ data for call origin using a custom field. As there’s no provision to create this field from the UI (for inbound/outbound phone call activities), you can contact your account manager or write to support@leadsquared.com. They’ll create a field from the back-end and you can then pass the field in the ‘Post a Call Log’ API. Hope this helps!

Last edited 2 years ago by Vir Singh