Platform Updates – Lutetium 1

Opportunity Details View Customization

Create completely customized Opportunity Details page views for different teams using the Opportunity Details View Customization (ODVC). Once the ODVC is enabled, Admins can customize the Opportunity Tabs, Actions, Buttons, and vCard on the Opportunity Details page based on each team’s requirement. To enable this feature, reach out to To know more about this feature, refer to Opportunity Details View Customization.

LeadSquared - ODVC


Feature Tags in Email Templates

You can add tags to email templates while creating or editing them. This feature is now available by default to all users.

  • You can create new tags or select an existing one while drafting your email.

LeadSquared - Tags in email

  • You can retrieve email templates from the Email Library by filtering these templates based on their tags.

LeadSquared - Search by tag

  • In the email templates grid, alongside the email template name, if you hover your cursor over tags icon, you can view all the tags associated with the template. You can also add new tags or delete tags here.

LeadSquared - add tags in email library

  • On the Email Library, to manage (view, add, or delete) your tags, hover your cursor over LeadSquared - Settings icon and select Manage Tags.

LeadSquared - Manage tags

  • Use email templates while drafting an email by clicking on Use Template. On the Use Template pop-up, you can filter the templates by their tags. You can also add or remove tags while saving the template.

LeadSquared - Manage tags


New UI on Login Screen

LeadSquared’s new Login UI is now supported for various login pages across LeadSquared Marvin. The UI is being gradually rolled out in a phased manner starting, January 2024.

new login


Trust Device is Now Enabled by Default

The Trust Device feature has been enabled by default for all tenants. This will streamline the login process by eliminating the need to enter an OTP for every login.

trust device


Hide Empty Options on Forms Dropdown 

When a Dropdown is selected to be rendered as Radio-Buttons, a new toggle called Hide Empty Values can be used to either show or hide the empty options that are defined for that Dropdown field. When this toggle is enabled, the empty options will be hidden and only the rest of the options will be visible on UI. The options will stay unselected (given that the empty option is defined as the default option) until one of the visible options is selected.

hide dropdown blank


Support System Activities in Activity on Opportunity triggers

The Activities below are now supported for New Activity and Activity Update on the Opportunity Trigger. This can help in use cases where the Opportunity stage or status is being updated based on payment activity. 

New Activity on Opportunity trigger –

  • Payment/Payment via forms
  • Opportunity Captured

new activity opp

Activity Update on Opportunity trigger –

  •  Payment/Payment via forms

update activity opp


Enhanced Login Security

Error messaging on the login page has now been changed from This Email Address does not exist in the system to Either email or password is incorrect. The messaging on the Verify Password page is changed from Hi {UserName} to Great to see you! This will prevent malicious users from using brute-force techniques to either guess or confirm valid users in a system.


Bug Fixes

  • Mavis Filter condition values will now be visible inside the Rule.
  • The user will now land on the configured homepage when logging in to LSQ using Azure Ad.