SSL Certificate for Landing Pages

1. Feature Overview

By default, LeadSquared’s landing pages work on https, and on our internal domain. But if you’ve hosted your landing pages on custom domains (outside of LeadSquared), this article will help you obtain SSL Certificates to support these domains. The certificates are also extended to email links (see Email Link Domain Settings). We use SSL certificates generated by Amazon Certificate Manager on custom domains.

Note: We currently do not support SSL certificates purchased outside of LeadSquared.


2. Prerequisites


3. How it Works

Once you add your domains and sub-domains in LeadSquared, create the SSL Certificate Request. We generate a CNAME record, which you must add to your DNS Settings. This helps us identify the domain ownership. If your domain ownership verification is successful, we generate a subsequent CNAME record, which you must again add to your DNS Settings. The new CNAME record points to the SSL Certificate obtained from Amazon Certificate Manager.

If the domain ownership verification fails, you have up to 72-hours to add the correct CNAME record, after which you must create a fresh SSL Certificate Request from LeadSquared.


4. Create SSL Request

  1. After your domains and sub-domains are listed on the Website & Landing Page Domains page, navigate to My Profile>Settings>Lead Tracking>SSL Certificate.
  2. On the SSL Certificate page, click Create.
  3. On the Request SSL Certificate pop-up, Select the Domain Name.
  4. Once the domain is selected, from the following options, Select the Sub-Domains –
    • Wild Card Certificate – The SSL Certificate is requested for all the sub-domains listed under the selected domain (including the email link domain and landing page domains).
    • Email Link – The SSL Certificate is only requested for the selected email link domain.
    • Landing Page – The SSL Certificate is only requested for the selected landing page domain.
  5. Once you’re done, click Next.

LeadSquared SSL Certificate


5. Domain Ownership Verification

Once the SSL Request is created, on the Domain Ownership Verification pop-up –

  1. Click your cursor on the Domain and Value to copy these values.
    • Alternatively, click Download to download the CNAME Record.
  2. Add this CNAME Record in the DNS configuration for your custom domain. For example, if your service provider is –
  3. Once the CName Record is added, on the Domain Ownership Verification pop-up, alongside “I have updated the CNAME record”, click Checkbox, and then click Done.

LeadSquared SSL Certificate


  • You have a 72-hour window to add the correct CNAME record in your DNS Settings.
  • The domain ownership verification will take up to 4-hours.
  • If the CNAME mapping is done incorrectly (typos, pointing to an incorrect domain, etc.), you’ll receive an email reminder when 48-hours and 24-hours are remaining in the 72-hour window. If the CNAME mapping isn’t done correctly by 72 hours, you must create a new SSL request in LeadSquared.

LeadSquared SSL


6. Configure SSL

If successfully verified, the status of the request will now change from Pending – View Details to Issued – Configure SSL. To approve the CNAME in LeadSquared –

  1. Click Configure SSL, and on the Configure SSL Certificate pop-up, click your cursor on Domain and New Value to copy these values.
  2. Add this new CNAME Record in the DNS configuration for your custom domain.
  3. Once this is done, navigate back to LeadSquared, and on the Configure SSL Certificate pop-up, verify all the details and click Confirm. The SSL certificate is successfully added to your landing page.

LeadSquared SSL Certificate


7. View Certificate

Once you add CNAME record in your DNS, to see all the subdomains where the certificate is added, hover your cursor over , and click View Details.

LeadSquared SSL

The SSL Certificate is now visible on your landing page.

LeadSquared SSL

Note: On the Landing Pages screen (Marketing>Landing Pages), when you click Get Landing Page URL (alongside a landing page for which you’ve set up SSL), you’ll now see both the HTTP and HTTPS URLs.

LeadSquared SSL Certificate


8. Delete Certificate

To delete existing certificates, alongside the certificate, hover your cursor over , and click Delete.

Note: When you click Delete, all the certificates obtained for the subdomains (landing page and email link domains) listed under the domain will also get deleted.

LeadSquared SSL


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