This article lists some frequently asked questions related to LeadSquared-WhatsApp integration. To start integrating WhatsApp into your LeadSquared account, see WhatsApp Business Messaging Connector.
What are the requirements for a business to be approved for WhatsApp?
WhatsApp requires businesses to be compliant with the WhatsApp Business Solution Terms, the WhatsApp Business Solution Policy and the Commerce Policy.
What is the cost of the WhatsApp service?
The WhatsApp service is charged in by per-message fees along with set-up fees provided by solution providers. You can find more information about the cost of sending WhatsApp messages by contacting your existing solution provider or sending an email to
Can I check if a lead’s phone number is enabled for WhatsApp?
After sending a message the number can be marked as WhatsApp enabled or not based on the delivery receipt from the provider.
What formatting options do I have in WhatsApp?
Your messages can be bold, italicized, struck-through, or preformatted.
Formatting | Symbol | Example |
The text inside the formatting symbols will take on the format you choose.
Can I send messages to WhatsApp groups or manage groups?
Currently, we do not support messaging with or managing WhatsApp groups. We expect to add support for groups in the future.
What use-cases are supported by WhatsApp Business?
WhatsApp supports only two use cases: Customer Care and Notifications. Customer Care is initiated with an inbound message. When the first message is received from the lead, it opens a conversation, in which the business can reply with free-form messages. The conversation will remain open for 24hrs from the last message received from the lead. Notifications are designed for the business to send alerts and informational notifications to users. Messages sent in this use case are required to use pre-approved templates. WhatsApp restricts marketing/promotional use cases and will not approve templates with promotional content.
What is the process to get a live number for WhatsApp?
The process includes 3 major steps:
- Facebook approval,
- Number set up
- Templates submission and account verification. This process is performed by our partner WhatsApp solution providers such as Kaleyra and may take 15-20 days to get a live WhatsApp business number.
For more info on the process you can get in touch with your account executive or contact us at
Is it possible to use an existing Landline Number or Business Mobile Number for enabling WhatsApp?
Due to technical limitations, this capability may not be supported by the WhatsApp solution provider based on country restrictions and compliance. For more information, you may contact your LeadSquared account representative or get in touch with your existing WhatsApp solution provider.
Hello Sir..! What is the real problem that my phone number can’t use whatsapp, even though it’s the first time I’ve used this number. Maybe someone else used this number before me. You should first check who registered this number after the first user. So much..! Thank you.
Hi Kamaruddin, can you please elaborate on the issue, and send a mail to We’ll resolve is ASAP.