Assign Custom Dashboards to Teams

1. Feature Overview

Admins can create customized dashboards to track and analyze key performance metrics across teams within the organization. Dashboards can be configured to display data from external analytics and BI tools (Tableau, PowerBI, Logi, etc.) to LeadSquared users.

Note: Only admins can share dashboards with other teams. However, all user roles (marketing users, sales managers, sales users) can create dashboards for themselves. Dashboards created and shared by admins are listed under ‘Shared Dashboards’, while ‘My Dashboards’ lists the ones created by other non-admin users.

LeadSquared Analytics


2. Prerequisites

  • You must be the Admin of your LeadSquared account.
  • You must create Teams in your account.


3. Create the Dashboard

Admins can create shared dashboards from the Analytics section of their Account Settings.

  1. From the main menu, navigate to Settings>Analytics>Dashboards and click the Create button.
  2. On the popup window, enter the
    1. Name for your dashboard
    2. External webpage’s URL link from where you want to pull the report. The access key and secret key are mail merge fields supported.
    3. Height for the display size of the report.
  3. On the popup window, against the View Type dropdown, you can choose Web, Mobile, or Web & Mobile.
    • If you opt for the Web & Mobile or the Mobile view, ensure the webpage for the URL is responsive. This will maintain a uniform view across platforms.
  4. Once you’ve entered all the details, click Create.


4. Assign the Dashboard to a Team

After you’ve created the dashboard, assign it to specific teams within your organization.

  1. Navigate to the Users and Permissions>Teams.
  2. Alongside the team you want to assign the dashboard to, click , then click Apply Dashboard.
    • The “Inherit from team” option will apply the dashboard assigned to the parent team.
    • Click the icon to make this the default dashboard for the team.
  3. Select the dashboard you want to assign from the dropdown.
Note: The following GIF assumes you’re using the new Teams V2 UI, which makes it easier to assign features (dashboards, workday templates, smart views, etc.,) to teams. You can enable it from Profile>Organziation Settings>Advanced Configuration. Search for Teams and enable Switch to teams UI V2.

LeadSquared Dashboards


5. Viewing the Dashboard

When your users log in to LeadSquared, they can view all the Dashboards assigned to them. Click Lea to mark a dashboard as favourite. Starred dashboards remain at the top of the list for easier access (this is especially helpful when a large number of dashboards are available to choose from).

LeadSquared Analytics


Any Questions?

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2 years ago

Hi Team,

can we share a Dashboard that is manually created (using default dashlets options) by an admin with other users?

Kalyan Kumar
Kalyan Kumar
2 years ago

How to embed the tableau dashboard URL?

Vignesh CS
Vignesh CS
2 years ago

Hi Team,
I would like to know if there is anyway that we can see the number of users checked-in in group wise in a dashboard?

2 years ago

Is the Dashboard available for mobile devices?