Non-lead Owners Can Create Opportunities Through Dynamic Forms

1. Feature Overview

There are cases where the existing lead might be reaching out to a different Sales User to enquire about a different product. So, a Sales User who is not the lead owner can create an Opportunity on the existing lead through LeadSquared’s Dynamic Form.

forms opportunity form


2. Prerequisites


3. Non-lead Owners Can Create Opportunities Through Dynamic Forms

Navigate to Settings>Profile>Advanced Configuration and search for Allow Users without lead access to create opportunities. Click Configure

forms allow Users without lead access to create opportunities

You can select two configuration permissions –

  • Allow sales user to create Opportunity on inaccessible leadsSales users can create opportunities on leads they don’t have access to if a correct lead identifier is passed.
  • Allow sales user to update or overwrite lead fields of inaccessible leads – Sales users can update or overwrite lead fields if the correct lead identifier is passed. 

Click Save once you have selected the permissions.

Note: You can select only the first configuration permission, or the first and second configuration permission together. But, you cannot select only the second configuration permission alone.

form opportunity config permission

On your Form, Navigate to Form Settings>Additional Settings and enable Allow Non-lead Owners to create Opportunities by toggling toggle. Once enabled, Overwrite lead field based on unique fields will also enable automatically and it cannot be disabled.

forms opportunity overwrite lead field based on unique field

If you have selected Allow sales user to update or overwrite lead fields of inaccessible leads in the Advance Configuration Settings, then you can select from the three overwrite mechanisms for the Lead Fields on Form submission –

  1. Update All Fields – This will update all the Lead Field values that are present in the Form post the Form submission.
  2. Do Not Update – This will not update any Lead field value post the Form submission.
  3. Update If Empty – This will update Lead field values that are empty at the time of Form submission. 
Note: Permission Template settings will be respected first when overwriting any Lead fields on the Form. If a Permission Template defines a Sales User cannot update Lead Fields, then the field values will be read-only after auto-populating.

form opportunity overwrite lead field mechanism

When an existing lead is recognized on the Form through a unique identifier field (For example, an email or phone number), the Sales User will be presented with an option – Would you like to fill field values? Yes | No. You can hover your mouse over View Details to preview the lead details. Click Yes to auto-populate the fields. On successful Form submission, an Opportunity will be created on the existing lead, and the existing Lead Field details will be updated according to the overwrite mechanism you have specified.

forms opportunity form


Any Questions?

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