Opportunity Configurations

1. Feature Overview

Opportunities in LeadSquared represent potential deals. Through opportunity management, you can track various aspects of deals in progress. This article will help you understand how to create forms for multiple opportunity types, configure opportunity types, and add opportunities to your leads. To know more about opportunities, refer to Opportunity Management – Feature Guide.


2. Prerequisites

You must be the Administrator of your LeadSquared account to access this feature.


3. Manage Opportunity Types

Manage all your opportunities here, and create different fields, forms, stages and statuses for each opportunity type. Hover your cursor alongside the settings icon (under the Actions column) to edit, delete or clone an opportunity type.

LeadSquared Opportunity Management


4. Create New Opportunity Types

Opportunity types are templates you can create for the various products your business offers. Once an opportunity type is created, users can add leads to opportunities, and track these to completion. Examples of  opportunity types for a bank are –

  • Home loan
  • Vehicle loan
  • Health insurance
  • Credit cards
  • Fixed Deposit

You can add and configure multiple opportunity types for your organization.

  1. From the main menu, navigate to My Profile>Settings>Opportunities.
  2. Under the Opportunity Types tab, click Create.
  3. Under Create Opportunity Type, you’ll have three tabs – Basic Details, Field Configuration and Form Configuration.


 4.1 Basic Details

These are the basic details that are required to create an opportunity. The fields are –

Field NameDescription
NameThe name for your opportunity (Car Loan, Course, etc.). This field is mandatory.
Plural NameThe plural name for your opportunity (Car Loans, Courses, etc.). This field is mandatory.
DescriptionA description to help your team understand the Opportunity better.
Allow DeleteTo give non-Admin users permission to delete the Opportunity, check the Checkbox checkbox.
Audit Opportunity ChangesTo keep a log of all the changes and updates made to the Opportunity, check the Checkbox checkbox.
Restrict Operations on Closed OpportunitiesTo prevent non-Admin users from making updates, or posting activities/tasks to a closed opportunity, check the Checkbox checkbox.


  • You must follow the above steps to update an existing opportunity.
  • To Restrict Operations on Closed Opportunities, enable the Enables restricting Operations on Closed Opportunities (Won/Lost) Organization Setting.

Once you’re done, click Next.

LeadSquared Opportunity Management


4.2 Field Configuration

Add custom fields that have to be filled out by your users while managing opportunities.

Status Configuration

You can track the current status of the opportunity in the sales funnel through Status Configuration. To configure it, click on the Settings icon icon.

  • The three statuses available by default are “Open“, “Won” and “Lost“. You cannot delete or edit these options, and you also cannot add any other status as an option.
  • Create a list of reasons for changes in each status, under Status – Reason. You can list down multiple reasons for each status. Users can select a reason from the list every time they update an opportunity status. This will help all the stakeholders track the opportunity to completion. To configure Status – Reasons
    • Add reasons for status change –
      1. Select the status for which you want to add reasons, and click the Add button found at the bottom of the page.
      2. Add reasons that are indicative of status change.
      3. Once you’ve added a reason, click the icon to save it.
      4. Repeat the same process to add multiple reasons.
    • The number in a bracket next to the status indicates the number of reasons listed for that particular status.
    • To edit an existing reason, click the Edit icon.
    • To delete an existing reason, click the delete icon.
    • To change the order of the reasons listed, use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow arrows.
  • To enable user comments while changing the opportunity status, check Checkbox Enable Comments checkbox.*
  • To set a default status for new opportunities, from the Default Status dropdown, select the status.
  • To set a default stage for new opportunities, from the Default Stage dropdown, select the stage.
  • Once you’re done, click Save.


  • * When comments are enabled, it becomes mandatory for users to enter comments when changing the status of the opportunity (across both the UI and APIs).
  • To set a Default Status and Default Stage for new opportunities, enable the Enable Default Status And Stage Organization Setting.

LeadSquared Opportunities

Field Configuration

  • A default number of fields are pre-selected. These fields are mandatory.
  • You can use the Add Field button at the bottom of the page to select multiple custom fields, depending on your requirement.
  • Under Mandatory, tick the checkboxes for mandatory fields that your users must populate.
  • To delete a field that you’ve added, click the delete icon against the field.
  • Once you are done, click Next.


You can also configure opportunity dropdown fields to automatically add new dropdown values sent through APIs, opportunity imports and the Update Opportunity card in Automation. To do this –

  1. Click on the icon against a dropdown field.
  2. On the Enter Dropdown Options pop-up, click the Checkbox checkbox against Allow Auto Update.
  3. Once you’re done, click Save.


Field Data Types

The following data types are available by default, which can be used to configure custom opportunity fields –

  • Number
  • String
  • DateTime
  • Dropdown
  • User

LeadSquared Opportunity Management

You can also use the following additional data types to configure custom opportunity fields. To enable these data types on your account, refer to Advanced Configurations.

  • Phone – This data type stores phone numbers.
  • Email – This data type stores email Ids.
  • Date – This data type stores dates (and not time).
  • Geolocation – This data type stores geographic locations. Any location (MG Road, Indira Nagar, etc.) entered in this field can be previewed on the Opportunity Details page.

LeadSquared Opportunity Management

  • AutoID – A unique ID is automatically generated for each opportunity. This Id can be used to bulk update, import, retrieve, and delete opportunities through the Opportunity Management APIs.

LeadSquared Opportunity Management


4.3 Form Configuration

Create forms to enable your users to capture opportunity details. To know more, refer to

In this section, you can edit two types of forms – the default form and the left panel form.

Default Form

  • Under Select Form to Edit, choose “Create”.
  • There are four mandatory fields – “Created On”, “Opportunity Name”, “Owner” and “Status”. These fields cannot be deleted.
  • You can add other custom fields, through drag and drop from the list of available fields on the right side of your page.
  • You can add multiple sections to the form. To do this, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add Section.


To access the form, from the main menu, navigate to Leads>Manage Opportunities, and click the Add Opportunity button, available on the right side of the screen.



Left Panel Form

  • Under Select Form to Edit, choose “Left Panel”.
  • Select a colour for the tab by clicking the Opportunity dropdown.
    • Along with the VCard, this colour will be visible on the Activities History tab on the Lead Details page, to help users identify all activities associated with the opportunity.
  • The two mandatory fields are First Name and Last Name.
  • You can remove existing fields by clicking the icon.
  • You can drag and drop fields from Available Fields, on the right side of the screen. You can only add fields that are available for the Opportunity.
  • Under Available Fields, you can search from your list of Lead Fields. To do this, choose Lead Fields from the dropdown.
    Note: You cannot add Lead Fields to the VCard. You can only add it to the Related Lead section.
  • Once you’re done, click Save.


To access the form, from the main menu, navigate to Leads>Manage Opportunities, and click on a lead on whom the Opportunity was created. On the Lead Details page, you can find the Left Panel. To edit the opportunity, hover your cursor on the top right corner of the VCard, and click the Edit icon.


To know how to manage opportunities, and perform multiple actions on them, such as updates, exports and reset filters, refer to Opportunity Management.


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