Portal Form Configuration

1. Feature Overview

In LeadSquared’s Service CRM, customers can raise tickets through various channels, such as Email, Chat, Calls, Social Media, etc. This article focuses on Portals.

When a customer logs an issue on your LeadSquared Portal page, this is automatically captured as a ticket in your account.

Once a ticket is created, you can set up assignment rules to automatically assign these tickets to your agents. Group Managers can also manually assign them to the agents in their groups. Once assigned, agents can work on resolving the tickets. Agents can reply to your customer’s emails directly from your LeadSquared account, by either typing out the responses or using our Quick Reply feature.

LeadSquared Service CRM


2. Prerequisites


3. How it Works

Configure the Service Cloud fields you want to display in the portal, along with the colors for your UI elements (such as links, buttons, etc.). Once you’re done, contact your account manager to have them integrate this portal with an existing LeadSquared portal. No additional configuration is needed on your end.


4. Portal Configuration

Once you log in to LeadSquared (https://in21.leadsquared.com/), to configure this feature –

  1. Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Service Cloud.
  2. On the Service Cloud Settings page, under Ticket Settings, click Portal Form Configuration.
  3. Here, configure the look and feel of the portal page your customers use to log their issues.

LeadSquared Service CRM


5. Portal Form Configuration

Add the ticket fields and lead (customer) fields you want to display on your ticket capture portal. The data customers enter in these fields is automatically captured in your LeadSquared account. You can perform the following actions on the Portal Form Configuration tab –

Note: You can add system and custom ticket fields to this portal.
  • To rename the display title of the portal, alongside Create Ticket, click LeadSquared Service Cloud, and enter the new name. Once you’re done, click LeadSquared Service CRM.
  • The Ticket Subject field is mandatory. You can add or remove any other ticket field as needed.
  • You can only display the following lead fields –
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • Phone Number
    • Mobile Number
  • Drag and drop the fields in any order to reorder them.

Once you’re done –

  • To configure the aesthetic of the form, click Save and Next.
  • To exit the set-up process, click Save and Exit.
Note: You cannot add a Child ticket field without adding the corresponding Parent ticket field.

LeadSquared Service CRM


6. Configure Brand Theme

Here, configure the colour of the UI elements (such as buttons) on the portal page. Select a predefined colour or enter a hex code of your choice. Once you’re done, click Save.

Note: Google reCAPTCHA is enabled on this portal to prevent bot and spam submissions.

LeadSquared Service CRM


7. Next Steps

Once the Service Cloud Portal is designed and configured in your account, reach out to your account manager or email scsupport@leadsquared.com to inform them. They will integrate this portal with a published LeadSquared portal, allowing your leads to directly submit issues from the LeadSquared Portal.

Note: Before you contact your account manager, ensure you have a published LeadSquared portal on your account.


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