LeadSquared WhatsApp Integration with WATI

1. Feature Overview

WATI’s WhatsApp self-serve solution helps you engage your customers in a simple, secure and reliable way. WATI drive sales, support & marketing conversations through WhatsApp.

LeadSquared offers WhatsApp integration to help users communicate with their leads. Our WhatsApp functionality supports integrations through other solution providers like Infobip, Zoko, Kaleyra, and Gupshup. This article helps you set up WhatsApp messaging through LeadSquared using WATI as your service provider.


2. Prerequisites

If you’re not familiar with LeadSquared’s WhatsApp integration, see WhatsApp Business Messaging Connector. For frequently asked questions, see WhatsApp Business FAQs.

  1. To enable the Wati integration on your account, contact your account manager, or write to support@leadsquared.com.
  2. Get an approved WhatsApp Business Number and Account.
  3. Submit Message Templates for Approval. To know how to do this, refer to Add WhatsApp Templates to LeadSquared.


3. Installation

To know how to install the WhatsApp Business connector, refer to WhatsApp Business Messaging Connector.


4. Configuration

Once the connector is installed, add and configure your WhatsApp phone numbers to the connector.

4.1 Basic Details

WhatsApp Zoko LeadSquared Integration

WhatsApp Business NumberSelect the country code, and provide your WhatsApp business number. This field is mandatory.
To get your WhatsApp business number, contact your WATI account representative.
Account NameProvide a relevant name for your connector. This field is mandatory.
Allow Lead Generation on incoming messageEnableSlider to allow automatic lead creation when you receive messages from unknown mobile numbers.
Lead SourceFrom the dropdown, select a lead source for your leads.

Once you’re done, click Next.


4.2 Service Provider

From the available options, select Wati and click Next.

Wati Integration with LeadSquared


4.3 Authentication Set-up

On this screen, enter –

WhatsApp Zoko LeadSquared Integration

Client Base URLThe base URL is listed here. This is a non-editable field.
WhatsApp NumberThe WhatsApp business number you provided in the Basic Details screen. This is a non-editable screen. To change the number, navigate back to the Basic Details screen, and change the number there.
UsernameYour WATI account’s API endpoint, without the “https://”.

For example, if your API Endpoint is https://live-server-184.wati.io, the username would be live-server-184.wati.io.

To obtain your WATI API Endpoint –

  1. Login to your WATI account
  2. Click on API Docs. Here you’ll find the API Endpoint.
PasswordYour WATI account’s Access Token without the “Bearer” and the space after “Bearer”.

For example, if your Access Token is “Bearer ghFhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9”, enter the password as “ghFhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9“.

To get the Access Token –

  1. Login to your WATI account
  2. Click on API Docs. You’ll find Access Token here.

Once you’re done entering all the details, click Next.


4.4 Converse Settings

LeadSquared Converse is an instant messaging feature that allows you to have real-time conversations with your leads via WhatsApp.

LeadSquared WhatsApp Integration

To integrate LeadSquared Converse with WhatsApp, complete the following steps –

  1. On the Converse Settings tab, toggle the Enable Converse Slider slider.
  2. Under User Access, grant permissions to users who can communicate with leads through the LeadSquared Converse.
    • Based on Role – From the Search and Select Users dropdown, select the LeadSquared user roles that can send messages through LeadSquared Converse.
    • Advanced (User Level) – Based on the value entered in the selected user boolean field (e.g., for the user Sam, the “Is Employee” user field contains the value “Yes”), the user will be able to send messages through LeadSquared Converse. From the Select User Field dropdown, select a relevant boolean field.
  3. Functionality – The following additional settings must be configured –
    • Approved Templates – Enable this functionality to allow your users to send approved WhatsApp templates to your leads.
    • Unapproved Templates – Enable this functionality to allow your users to send unapproved WhatsApp templates to your leads. These can only be sent if the 24-hours service window is active.
    • Notify Lead Owner* – When enabled, only lead owners will get notifications of the WhatsApp messages a lead sends. When disabled, all logged-in users will receive notifications of these WhatsApp messages.
    • Sending Rich Media – Enable this functionality to allow your users to send media files in the WhatsApp messages.


  • *Message notifications are only sent to one user, i.e., either the Lead Owner or to the user (other than the Lead Owner) that sent the WhatsApp message to the lead. When the Notify Lead Owner setting is enabled, only the Lead Owner will get notified, while the user who sent the message will not get a notification.
  • If you enable the Send Rich Media option, you must also enable the Approved Templates option. This ensures that you can add your media files to a template when messaging your leads.

LeadSquared Gupshup Integration


4.5 Advanced Settings

On this screen, provide the following details –

  • Activity Mapping – A LeadSquared activity field to capture your WhatsApp messages. This is the activity that will be posted every time a WhatsApp message is sent or received.
  • Default WhatsApp Number Fields – The number you set as the default phone number will be automatically selected when you’re sending a WhatsApp message to a lead. You can also select other numbers that are available from the Add Another Number dropdown.
  • Default Country Code – The default country code will be used to send messages to a phone number that’s stored in a custom field, if no country code is listed.
  • Enable Rich Media Template Support – If you want to include media files in your WhatsApp message, you must enable the Slider slider.
  • Compliance Type – Here, you can select the compliance type for the WhatsApp template, by choosing either WhatsApp Opt-out or Opt-in.
  • WhatsApp Opt-out – Your leads can opt-in or out of receiving WhatsApp messages on the basis of this field. From the dropdown, select a LeadSquared lead field for the WhatsApp opt-in/opt-out functionality.
Note: You must create a custom lead field of boolean type to map to the WhatsApp opt-out functionality. For example, you may create a custom lead field called “WhatsApp Opt Out”. Leads for whom the field is selected/checked won’t receive WhatsApp messages.

Click Save & Close when you’re done.

  • If your credentials are correct, you’ll see the success message highlighted below.
  • If they were incorrect, the integration will fail.

Gupshup WhatsApp Integration


5. Create WhatsApp Templates

Once the connector is successfully installed, proceed to add WhatsApp templates from your WATI account.

When you’re creating a template in WATI, you must fulfil the following naming conventions for the templates to work as intended in LeadSquared –

If your template contains media files (Images, documents and videos), then –

  1. Navigate to Header.
  2. Add the media file.
  3. In the textbox that appears, type “{{attachmentLink}}“.

Wati Integration with LeadSquared

If your template body contains variables (e.g., {{name}}, {{orderNumber}}, etc.), then –

  1. Navigate to the Body.
  2. Type the content.
  3. Type the variable as {{1}} for the 1st variable, {{2}} for the second variable, and so on.
    For e.g., if your message is, “Hi {{name}}, please find the shipping details of your {{orderNumber}}…”, then you’ll have to type this out as, “Hi {{1}}, please find the shipping details of your {{2}}…”

Wati Integration with LeadSquared

If your template contains a Call to Action button with the Visit Website action, and the type is set to Dynamic, then –

  1. Go to the Button.
  2. From the dropdown, select Call to Action.
  3. Visit website is selected by default.
  4. Type out the display text- for the button.
  5. From the dropdown present under Visit Website, select Dynamic.
  6. Then, type out the static part of the website URL, and for the dynamic part of the URL, append {{buttonLink}}.

Wati Integration with LeadSquared

If your template contains variables or buttons with a Dynamic Visit Website as a CTA, then provide a default value for each variable in the Sample Content section at the bottom of the Template Create/Template Edit screen.

Wati Integration with LevadSquared

To add a WATI template to your LeadSquared account, refer to Adding WhatsApp Templates to LeadSquared.


6. Conversing with Leads via WhatsApp

Integrating Converse with LeadSquared’s WhatsApp connector will enable your users to have real-time conversations with your leads through WhatsApp. Using templatised messages, you’ll be able to attach and send media files (such as images, documents, etc.) in your conversations. To know more, refer to LeadSquared Converse.

LeadSquared WhatsApp Integration


7. Important Points

  • Delivery Status is currently not available for the messages sent through the WATI integration on the WhatsApp connector.
    • This means the Sent/Read/Delivered status for a sent message will NOT be available in your WhatsApp reports.
    • Additionally, the single tick, double tick and blue tick for WhatsApp messages sent from Converse will NOT be visible.
  • When sending non-templatized custom messages to your leads, you can only send text messages to your leads. Custom media files cannot be sent during these conversations.

Wati Integration with LevadSquared


Any Questions?

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1 year ago

After integrating, messages sent through converse are not received by user on the whatsapp platform. how this can be solved?

Vir Singh
Reply to  vinay
1 year ago

Hi Vinay,
Please check if 1 to 1, automation, or campaign messages working. Raise a ticket to support@leadsquared.com, and enable support access for 7 days. Share your WATI username over the ticket.