1. Feature Overview
Based on each Team’s requirements, Admin users can customise the Tabs, Actions, and Contact Cards displayed on the mobile app’s Lead Details page. To display different Lead Details page views for different teams, you can select the –
- System tabs (Activity History, Tasks, etc.) and Custom Tabs (KYC Documents Collected, Support Tickets, etc.) you want to display to your users
- Actions your users can perform (Send Email, Call Lead, etc.) from the Lead Actions dropdown
- Quick Action Buttons
- Lead fields you want to display on the Lead vCard
Note: This article deals with Lead Details customization on the mobile app. To know more about Lead Details customization on the web app, click here.
2. Prerequisite
You must have the latest version of the LeadSquared mobile app enabled in your account.
3. Lead Details Customisation on Mobile App
To customise the lead details view on the mobile app –
- Navigate to My Account>Settings>Mobile App>Details Customization and click Enable.
- Enter the name and description of your view.
- Select the view to be customized – Tabs, Actions, or Contact Card.
- Under Available Tabs/Actions, alongside the field you wish to add, click . You can add both system and custom fields. To search for any field, enter the field name under Search Fields.
- To preview the customised fields, alongside Selected Tabs, hover your cursor over .
- Click Save View.
Note: The customized view will be applied on the accounts of all users under the tenant.
Any Questions?
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