Customize the Lead Details Page/View

1. Feature Overview

Based on each Team’s requirements, LeadSquared Admin users can customise the Tabs, Actions, Buttons and Lead vCard on the Lead Details page. To display different Lead Details page views for different teams, you can select the –

  • System tabs (Activity History, Tasks, etc.) and Custom Tabs (KYC Documents Collected, Support Tickets, etc.) you want to display to your users
  • Actions your users can perform (Send Email, Call Lead, etc.) from the Lead Actions dropdown
  • Quick Action Buttons
  • Lead fields you want to display on the Lead vCard


  • This article deals with Lead Details customization on the web app. To know more about Lead Details customization on the mobile app, click here.
  • You can also customize the Lead vCard when setting it up (from the lead form customization options), but you won’t be able to assign different vCards for different teams there. That can only be done through the Lead Details Customization feature described in this article.

LeadSquared Lead Details Customization


2. Prerequisites

  • You must be the Administrator of your LeadSquared account.
  • This feature is available by default if your LeadSquared account is created after 20th September 2022.
    • If your account was created before this date, contact your account manager or write to to enable it on your account.


3. Customise Lead Details Page

  1. Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Leads>Lead Details View.
  2. Click Create.
    • Alternatively, we’ve provided a Sample View. If you wish to customize this view, you can do so by hovering your cursor over , and clicking Edit. The steps listed below will remain the same.

LeadSquared Lead Details Customization


3.1 Details

On the Create Lead Details View pop-up, under the Details tab, enter the following details –

  • Name – A name for the view you’re creating. This is mandatory.
  • Description – A description for the view you’re creating.

Once you’re done, click Next.

LeadSquared Lead Details Customization


3.2 v-Card

LeadSquared Lead Details Customization

From the Available Fields, drag and drop* lead fields to the relevant vCard section –

  • Metric Section – All the lead fields that are denoted by a number (e.g., Age, Weight, etc.). You can add up to four fields here.
  • Lead Properties – All the custom and system lead fields that are available in your account.

Once you’re done, click Next.


  • *Alternatively, to add a lead field, click .
  • To remove a field, click Minus.
  • To reorder a field, drag and drop the field to the desired location.
  • Only Metric Fields (number data type lead fields) can be added to the Metrics Section, whereas all lead fields can be added to Lead Properties.
  • You can’t add the same field to both the Metric Section and Lead Properties.
  • To find a specific field, use the Search option.

LeadSquared Lead Details Customization


3.3 Tabs

LeadSquared Lead Details Customization

Select the tabs you want to display to your users.

  • To add a tab, from the list of Available Tabs, drag and drop the tab under Selected Tabs.
    • Alternatively, alongside the tab you want to add, click.
  • To set a default tab your users will see when they open the Lead Details page, alongside the tab’s name, click Default.
  • To reorder the tabs, drag and drop the tab to the desired location.
  • To reset the list of selected tabs, click Reset.
  • To add a new custom tab, click Add New, and –
    1. Type – Select if it’s an Activity or a Custom tab.
    2. Tab Name – Enter a relevant name for the tab.
    3. Notable Activities – If you selected the type as Activity, choose the activity types you want to display under the tab.
    4. URL – If you selected the type as Custom, paste the URL of the page you want to display within the tab.
    5. Once you’re done, click Save.

Once you’re done, click Next.


  • All system tabs are denoted in orange.
  • All custom tabs are denoted in blue.
  • All user-created tabs are denoted in grey.

LeadSquared Lead Details Customization


3.4 Actions

LeadSquared Lead Details Customization

From the Available Actions, drag and drop* the desired action to –

  • Action Buttons – The button actions present on the Lead Details page. You can add up to five actions here.
  • Lead Actions Drop-down – The actions users can perform through the Lead Actions dropdown.

Once you’re done, click Save, and on the Confirm pop-up, click Save.


  • *Alternatively, to add an action, click .
  • To remove an action, click Minus.
  • You can add up to four fields in the Metric Section.
  • To reorder a field, drag and drop the field to the desired location.
  • You can’t add the same action to both the Action Buttons section and the Lead Actions Drop-down.
  • To reset the list of selected actions, click Reset.

LeadSquared Lead Details Customization


4. Assign Lead Details View to Teams

Once a view is created, to assign it to the relevant teams –

  1. Alongside the view you want to assign, hover your cursor over , and click Assign to Teams. You will be redirected to the Teams page.
  2. On the Teams page, alongside the team for which you want to assign the view, hover your cursor over , and click Apply Lead Details View.
  3. On the Apply Lead Details View pop-up, from the Lead Details View dropdown, select the view you want to assign.
  4. If you want to replace your User View Tabs (tabs created by individual sales users) with the Lead Details View tab, alongside Replace Lead Details View, enable the checkbox.
  5. Once you’re done, click Save.


LeadSquared Lead Details Customization


5. Other Actions

On the Lead Details View page, alongside a published view, hover your cursor over to perform the following actions –

  • Edit – Edit the view. The steps to edit are the same as the Customise Lead Details Page.
  • Clone – Click Clone to duplicate the view.
  • Delete – Click Delete to delete the view.

LeadSquared Lead Details Customization


Any Questions?

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