Workday Templates

1. Feature Overview

Work day templates let you define the schedule and working hours of your organization so you can automatically check-in your users*. It lets you set the timezone you work in, working days and office hours.

Once created, you can assign the templates to teams. So if you have multiple teams working different shifts in different regions, all you have to do is create the appropriate work day templates and apply them to your teams.


2. Prerequisites

  • You must be the Admin of your LeadSquared account.
  • You must create Teams in your account.


3. Create a Workday Template

  1. Navigate to My Account>Settings>Users and Permissions>Work Day Templates and click Create.
  2. Set your work day template configurations –
    1. Enter a Name for the template.
    2. Choose a Time Zone.
    3. Select the Working Days.
    4. Set the Working Hours.
    5. Click the Day Wise checkbox if you want to set different office hours for each day of the work week.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Once created, you can Edit or Delete your template by clicking the SettingsSettings iconicon.
Note: You’ll see a default template on the Manage Work Day Templates page. This template is pre-created by the system. You can choose to edit it or create new templates from scratch.

work day templates

You can also,

  • Add more time blocks for users who work in 2 shifts (for example, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.)
  • Add breaks (for example, lunch break between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.). These breaks will reflect in the user’s task calendar as well (see How to Create Tasks).

Click the arrow icon alongside the Working Hours, to access these options –

time blocks and breaks


4. Assign a Work Day Template to a Team

  1. Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Users and Permissions>Teams.
  2. Alongside the team you want to assign the Work Day Template to, click .
  3. Click Apply Work Day Template.
  4. In the drop-down under the Work Day Template column of the pop-up window, select the template you want to assign the team. If the team you’re applying a template to has a parent team, you can select the Inherit from Team option and inherit the template assigned to the parent team.
  5. Click Save.
Note: The following GIF assumes you’re using the new Teams V2 UI, which makes it easier to assign features (dashboards, workday templates, smart views, etc.,) to teams. You can enable it from Profile>Organziation Settings>Advanced Configuration, search for ‘Teams’ and enable Switch to teams UI V2.

LeadSquared - Assign a Work Day Template to a Team


5. Assign a Work Day Template to a User

To assign a work day template to a user –

  1. Navigate to My Account>Settings>Users and Permissions>Users.
  2. Hover your cursor over Settings icon and click Edit alongside the user you want to apply the template to.
  3. In the Edit User popup, navigate to the Work Details tab, then click the Edit link.
  4. In the Work Day Template dropdown, select the template you want to apply to the user.
  5. Click Save.

Assign to temas/users


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7 months ago

Hi, if I change my work day template during business working hours and apply it to my teams will that be applicable from same day itself or tomorrow onwards?

Last edited 7 months ago by Puja
Dharshana Santhanam
Reply to  Puja
6 months ago

Hello, Puja.
The workday template will be reflected on your accounts on the same day.

Shobhit Sahoo
Shobhit Sahoo
8 months ago

If I keep start time 10AM and end time as 7AM, then would it take end time on the same day or next day?

Sri Sudhan
Reply to  Shobhit Sahoo
8 months ago

Hi, Shobhit. In this scenario, 7AM the next day is considered as the end time.