Account Details

The Account Details page is where you’ll find all information related to a specific account. You can perform actions on the account, see all associated leads, create tasks, add activities and lots more…

If you’re new to the accounts feature, these articles will help –


Account Vcard and Properties

The account Vcard shows you the account stage and contact information. To edit the Vcard hover your cursor over it and clicking the editpencil iconicon.

edit vcard

change vcard

Note: If you’re using a telephony connector and have click2call enabled, you can just click the phone number on the Vcard to initiate a phone call.

You can also edit the Account Properties section shown below –

account properties

And configure the fields you want to see in the Account Properties tab. To do this –

  1. Navigate to My Account>Settings>Accounts Customization>Account Settings.
  2. Alongside the account type you want to configure, hover your cursor over the settingsSettings iconwheel, then click Edit.
  3. Click Next to navigate to step 3 of 3. Use the dropdown to select the Account Properties option.
  4. Drag and drop the fields you want from the available fields section to the account properties section.
  5. Click Save.

configure account properties


Account Actions

You can perform the following actions on an account –

  • Change Owner
  • Change Stage
  • Edit
  • Delete

Hover your cursor over the <Account Name> Actions menu, then choose the action.

Actions on an account

You can also navigate to the <Account Name> Details tab and edit the account details from there.

edit account info


Lead Actions

To perform actions on leads, hover your cursor over the settingsSettings iconwheel alongside a lead and choose an action.

actions on leads in account

To add a new lead to the account, add an existing lead, post an activity on a lead or create a task, just click the corresponding quick add buttons.

account details action buttons

If you want to perform bulk actions on all leads in an account, click the View & Manage All Leads link. This will direct you to the Manage Leads page where the account filters will be set to the current account by default. You can select leads in bulk, then choose an action.

bulk updates from account details


Available Tabs

You can navigate between the different tabs on the account details page. Each tab gives you a specific category of information related to the account.

account details page tabs

Activity History
This tab displays the list of all activities posted on the account along with the corresponding account score. You can click on an activity to see more details. You can also click the pencilpencil iconicon that appears alongside an activity to edit it.

account activity history

The leads tab shows you the list of leads in the account.

  • Use the quick search box to quickly find a particular lead
  • click the View and Manage Leads link to go to the Manage Leads page with the account filters applied
  • Click on Select Columns to configure the columns you want to view
  • Click on a particular lead’s name to go to the Lead Details page
  • Click the gearSettings iconicon under the Actions column to perform actions on a lead

leads tab in account details

Lead Activity History
Use this tab to view the activity history of a particular lead in the account. Select a lead from the dropdown and filter the lead’s activities by activity type and time.

activity history

<Account Name> Details
You can edit all details of the account type here.

edit account details tab

Sales Activities
View all the sales activities posted on leads in the account here.

sales activity tab in account details


If you have enabled both Account and Opportunity management in your LeadSquared account, you will be able to view the opportunities associated with that account in the Opportunities tab. However, if you do not have access to a lead associated with that account, you will not be able to see the opportunities associated with that lead.

LeadSquared - Opportunities tab in Account Details


Any Questions?

If you have any questions related to this article or the accounts feature in general, don’t hesitate to type them in to the comments section below. We’re here to help!

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Kyle Lane
Kyle Lane
1 year ago

Is there a way to create a list of employees that work for each Account? I have a facility (Account) wherein their are several employees who give us Leads. I’d like to track each employee under the account