Manage Lead Templates on Web App

1. Feature Overview

Lead Templates are a logical group of leads created based on similar properties like geographical proximity. Users can add these templates to plans instead of adding leads individually for each date in a plan. To know more about Plans, refer to Setting up Journeys on the Web App.


2. Prerequisite

  • Users must have the latest version of the LeadSquared mobile app installed on their devices.
  • Users must have Journeys enabled in their account. To enable this feature, reach out to
  • Users must enable Templates on Journeys settings.


3. Create Lead Templates

  1. Navigate to Apps>Journeys. On the left-most side of your screen, click Beats icon.
  2. Click Create.

3.1 Set-up Lead Templates

  1. Under Select User, select the user you want to assign this template to. To display all available leads, uncheck the Show only assigned user’s contacts checkbox.
  2. Under Details, enter the template name and give it a description.
  3. You can pick a colour for this template to distinguish it from the rest.
  4. Click Next.

3.2 Select Contacts

  1. Under All Contacts, alongside the lead you wish to add, click Black add icon.
  2. You can also add leads by drawing on the map. On the bottom of the map, select how you want to draw the area on the map – Freehand , Polygon, or Circle. Once you draw a territory, the leads within that will be added to the template.
  3. To filter the leads, click and choose relevant filters.
  4. To view the leads you’ve added, click the ‘N’ of 10 Added section.
  5. To delete a lead from the template, click Delete icon.
  6. Once you’re done, click Save.
    • If you want to delete the template you’ve worked on before saving it, click Discard.

LeadSquared - Create Beats


4. Manage Lead Templates on Web App

  1. Navigate to Apps>Journeys. On the left-most side of your screen, click Beats icon.
  2. On the left side of the page, all saved templates will be displayed.
  3. To filter the templates, click and choose relevant filters.
  4. To view a template’s details, click on the relevant card. All the leads added in that template will now be displayed. To view a lead’s details, click on the lead name.
  5. To reassign this template to a different user, click Reassign. On the Reassign template pop-up, select the user you want to assign it to.
  6. To edit the template, click edit.
  7. To delete the template, click Delete Portal Designer.
    • You can also edit, delete, or reassign templates directly on the template card by clicking Three dots.

LeadSquared - Manage Beats


Rename Lead Templates

To rename the Lead Template entity –

  1. On the Journeys page, click mobile settings icon.
  2. On the left side of the screen, under Settings, select Advanced.
  3. Under Rename Modules, alongside Templates, click edit.
  4. Enter the relevant display name and the plural term for it.
  5. Once you’re done, click Check icon.

LeadSquared - Rename Templates


Any Questions?

We’d love to answer your questions or hear your own unique use cases. Feel free to share your experiences in the comments section below.

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