UTC Mail Merge Fields

1. Feature Overview

This article lists the various mail merge fields available in the Universal Telephony Connector (UTC).


2. Prerequisites

  • The Universal Telephony Connector is a paid connector, to enable it contact support@leadsquared.com.
  • You must be an Administrator user to access the connector configuration.


3. Click2Call Mail Merge Fields

Note: The following click 2 call parameters have been deprecated –

  • @customerNumber
  • @agentNumber
  • @virtualNumber

Refer to the table below for alternatives.

Fields Description
Virtual Number Fields –
@VirtualNumberWithoutCCVirtual Number/Display Number/Caller ID/DID without country code
@VirtualNumberWithCCVirtual Number/Display Number/Caller ID/DID with country code
@VirtualNumberTagTag Configured for Virtual Number/Display Number/Caller ID/DID
Entity Fields 
@entityIdThis parameter is dynamic and gets resolved based on the calling context to either LeadID, OpportunityID, or TicketID.
Opportunity Fields – 
@opportunityIdOpportunity Id
@opportunityTypeOpportunity Type
@opportunityTelephonyMappingIdOpportunity – Telephony Mapping Id
Activity Fields – 
@{Activity:ActivityEvent_Note, }Activity notes
@{Activity:Status, }Activity status
@{Activity:Owner, }Activity owner
@{Activity:mx_Custom_1, }Custom activity field
@{Activity:mx_Custom_2, }Custom activity field
@{Activity:mx_Custom_3, }Custom activity field
@{Activity:mx_Custom_4, }Custom activity field
@{Activity:mx_Custom_5, }Custom activity field
@{Activity:mx_Custom_6, }Custom activity field
@{Activity:mx_Custom_7, }Custom activity field
@{Activity:mx_Custom_8, }Custom activity field
@{Activity:mx_Custom_9, }Custom activity field
@{Activity:mx_Custom_10, }Custom activity field
 Lead Fields –
@{Lead:FirstName, }Lead’s first name
@{Lead:LastName, }Lead’s last name
@{Lead:EmailAddress, }Lead’s email address
@{Lead:Source, }Lead’s source
@{Lead:Notes, }Notes on the lead
@{Lead:Phone, }Lead’s phone number
@{Lead:Mobile, }Lead’s mobile number
@{Lead:Website, }Lead’s website
@{Lead:Company, }Lead’s company
@{Lead:JobTitle, }Lead’s job title
@{Lead:Score, }Lead’s score
@{Lead:CreatedOn, }Lead creation date
@{Lead:ModifiedOn, }Lead modified date
@{Lead:LeadConversionDate, }Lead conversion date
@{Lead:mx_Street1, }Lead’s address 1
@{Lead:mx_Street2, }Lead’s address 2
@{Lead:mx_City, }Lead’s city
@{Lead:mx_State, }Lead’s state
@{Lead:mx_Country, }Lead’s country
@{Lead:mx_Zip, }Lead’s zip code
@{Lead:OwnerIdName, }Lead owner
@{Lead:OwnerIdEmailAddress, }Lead owner’s email id
@{Lead:CreatedByName, }Lead created by
@{Lead:ModifiedByName, }Lead modified by
@{Lead:SourceCampaign, }Source campaign
@{Lead:SourceContent, }Source content
@{Lead:EngagementScore, }Engagement score
@{Lead:Revenue, }Lead value
@{Lead:TwitterId, }Lead’s Twitter id
@{Lead:FacebookId, }Lead’s Facebook ID
@{Lead:LinkedInId, }Lead’s LinkedIn ID
@{Lead:SkypeId, }Lead’s Skype ID
@{Lead:GTalkId, }Lead’s Google Talk ID
@{Lead:GooglePlusId, }Lead’s Google Plus ID
@{Lead:PhotoUrl, }Photo URL
@{Lead:CurrentOptInStatus, }The current opt-in status
@{Lead:OptInDate, }Lead opt-in date
@{Lead:OptInDetails, }Lead opt-in details
@{Lead:LastOptInEmailSentDate, }The last opt-in email date
@{Lead:LeadAge, }Lead’s age
@leadIdLead Id
@leadPhoneLead Phone number without country code
@PhoneNumberWithCountryCodeLead Phone number with country code
@CountryCode Lead’s country code
Account Fields –
@{Account:City , }Account’s city
@{Account:CompanyName , }Account’s company name
@{Account:Country , }Account’s Country
@{Account:Fax , }Account’s fax number
@{Account:Phone , }Account’s phone number
@{Account:State , }Account’s state
@{Account:Street1 , }Account’s street address 1
@{Account:Street2 , }Account’s street address 2
@{Account:TimeZone , }Account’s time zone
@{Account:Website , }Account’s website
@{Account:Zip , }Account’s zip code
@{Account:ShortCode , }Account’s shortcode
@{Account:Plan , }Account’s plan
User Fields – 
@{User:EmailAddress , }Agent’s email address
@{User:FirstName , }Agent’s first name
@{User:FullName , }Agent’s full name
@{User:LastName , }Agent’s last name
@{User:MiddleName , }Agent’s middle name
@{User:AssociatedPhoneNumbers , }Agent’s associated phone numbers
@{User:UserId , }Agent’s user Id
@{User:AccessKey , }Agent’s access key
@AgentNumberWithCCAgent Number with country code
@AgentNumberWithoutCCAgent Number without country code
@agentNameUser Name
@agentEmailUser Email Address
@{User:TeamId,}Team Id
@{User:GroupIds,}Comma-separated IDs of groups that the user belongs to


4. Call Disposition Mail Merge Fields

@agentNumberAgent’s number
@customerNumberCustomer’s number
@virtualNumberVirtual number
@agentNameAgent’s name
@agentIdAgent’s ID
@callSessionIdCall session ID
@campaignIdCampaign ID
@notesCall notes
@dispositionValueConfigured disposition value
@{User:emailAddress,}Agent’s email address
@{User:FirstName,}Agent’s first name
@{User:FullName,}Agent’s full name
@{User:LastName,}Agent’s last name
@{User:MiddleName,}Agent’s middle name
@{User:AssociatedPhoneNumbers,}Agent’s associated phone number
@{User:UserId,}User Id
@{User:AccessKey,}Agent’s Access Key
@{User:SecretKey,}Agent’s Secret Key


5. Agent Panel Mail Merge Fields

@{User:Address,}Agent’s address
@{User:AssociatedPhoneNumbers,}Agent’s associated phone numbers
@{User:Availability,}Agent’s availability
@{User:AvailabilityStatus,}Agent’s availability status
@{User:CheckinCheckoutHistoryId,}Agent’s check-in check-out history Id
@{User:City,}Agent’s City
@{User:Country,}Agent’s Country
@{User:CreatedBy,}Created By
@{User:CreatedOn,}Created On
@{User:mx_Custom_1,}Custom Agent field 1
@{User:mx_Custom_2,}Custom Agent field 2
@{User:mx_Custom_3,}Custom Agent field 3
@{User:mx_Custom_4,}Custom Agent field 4
@{User:mx_Custom_5,}Custom Agent field 5
@{User:mx_Custom_6,}Custom Agent field 6
@{User:mx_Custom_7,}Custom Agent field 7
@{User:mx_Custom_8,}Custom Agent field 8
@{User:mx_Custom_9,}Custom Agent field 9
@{User:DateFormat,}Date Format
@{User:DateOfBirth,}Agent’s date of birth
@{User:DateOfJoining,}Agent’s date of joining
@{User:DateOfResignation,}Agent’s date of resignation
@{User:DeletionStatusCode,}Deletion status code
@{User:Department,}Agent’s department
@{User:Designation,}Agent’s designation
@{User:EmailAddress,}Agent’s email address
@{User:EmployeeId,}Agent’s employee Id
@{User:FirstName,}Agent’s first name
@{User:mx_Custom_Gender,}Agent’s gender
@{User:HolidayCalendarId,}Agent’s holiday calendar Id
@{User:ImportId,}Agent’s import Id
@{User:IsAdministrator,}Is Agent an administrator
@{User:IsAgencyUser,}Is Agent an agency user
@{User:IsBillingUser,}Is billing user
@{User:IsCheckedIn,}Is Agent checked in
@{User:IsCheckInEnabled,}Is check-in enabled
@{User:IsDefaultOwner,}Is default owner
@{User:IsEmailSender,}Is email sender
@{User:IsEmployee,}Is employee
@{User:IsPhoneCallAgent,}Is phone call agent
@{User:IsSoftPhoneEnabled,}Is the agent’s softphone enabled
@{User:IsWorkingToday,}Is the agent working today
@{User:LastCheckedIpAddress,}Last checked IP address
@{User:LastCheckedOn,}Agent’s last checked on
@{User:LastName,}Agent’s last name
@{User:ManagerUserId,}User ID of agent’s manager
@{User:MiddleName,}Agent’s middle name
@{User:ModifiedBy,}Modified by
@{User:ModifiedOn,}Modified on
@{User:ModifyAllLeadsOfGroup,}Modify all leads of group
@{User:OfficeLocationName,}Agent’s office location
@{User:Team,}Agent’s team
@{User:TemplateNames,}Permission templates
@{User:PhoneMain,}Agent’s main phone
@{User:PhoneMobile,}Agent’s mobile phone
@{User:PhoneOthers,}Agent’s other phone numbers
@{User:PhotoUrl,}Agent’s photo URL
@{User:Role,}Agent’s role
@{User:Groups,}Agent’s group
@{User:SalesRegions,}Agent’s sales regions
@{User:Signature_Html,}Agent’s signature HTML
@{User:Signature_Text,}Agent’s signature text
@{User:Skills,}Agent’s skills
@{User:State,}Agent’s state
@{User:StatusCode,}Agent’s status code
@{User:StatusReason,}Agent’s status reason
@{User:TeamId,}Agent’s team Id
@{User:TelephonyAgentId,}Telephony Agent’s Id
@{User:TimeZone,}Agent’s timezone
@{User:UserID,}Agent’s user ID
@{User:UserType,}Agent’s user type
@{User:ViewAllLeadsOfGroup,}View all leads of group
@{User:WorkDayTemplateId,}Workday template Id
@{User:ZipCode,}Agent’s zip code


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