Service CRM Support Processes and SLA

Incident Support SLA

1. Support Channels

Official ChannelsDetails
Support over


2. Support Timings

Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. IST


3. Escalation

First level


4. Incident Support Ticket Severity Classification

Severity LevelDefinitionExamples
Urgent (1)Critical production issue that severely impacts your use of the service. The situation halts your business operations and no procedural workaround exists.
  • Service is down or unavailable.
  • Data is corrupted or lost, and must be restored from backup.
  • Your business operations have been severely disrupted.
High (2)Major functionality is impacted, or significant performance degradation is experienced. A temporary workaround is available.
  • Service is operational but highly degraded performance to the point of major impact on usage.
  • Important features of the Software as a Service offering are unavailable.
  • Operations can continue in a restricted fashion.
Medium (3)There is a partial, non-critical loss of use of the service with a medium-to-low impact on your business, but your business continues to function.
  • Impaired operations of some components, but allows the user to continue using the software.
  • Short-term workaround is available, but not scalable.
Low (4)Inquiry regarding a routine technical issue; information requested on application capabilities, navigation, installation, or configuration; bug affecting a small number of users. An acceptable workaround is available.
  • General usage questions.
    Training issues (Internal, Customers).
  • Documentation related queries, FAQ’s”


4. Incident Support Ticket SLA

Incident ClassificationFirst Response1 SLAResolution Time2 SLA
Urgent (1)1 hour6 hours
High (2)90 mins12 hours
Medium (3)6 hours2 business day3
Low (4)8 hours3 business days3
Note: Uptime SLA (calculated monthly) – 98%

1First Response is a response given by a human to a support incident. It is not the default automated response.

2Resolution would mean a reasonable workable solution has been provided for the incident that restores the states of the application to pre-incident state from user experience perspective. It may be a workaround or temporary resolution in some cases where a larger fix may happen later.

3Business Days or business hours are the time during the working hours of the LeadSquared user. One business day may consist of some business hours on the working day in which the ticket is raised and the remaining hours on the next working day.

Note: These SLAs will not be applicable in the case of a Business Continuity Process/Plan (BCP) or Disaster Recovery (DR) situation. For Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO), and Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption (MTD), please request for the BCP plan document at


5. Production Release Cycle

Once weekly.


6. Legal Terms

6.1 Limitation of Liability

LeadSquared shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, data, or other intangible losses, resulting from the use of the Service Cloud beta product.


6.2 No Warranty

The Service Cloud beta product is provided “as is” without any warranties, express or implied. During the beta phase, data loss or data corruption may occur. .By participating in the beta program, you acknowledge your understanding of the beta nature of the product and your willingness to engage in the testing and development process. You understand that the product is not a finished or final version.


6.3 Service Interruptions

The Company does not guarantee uninterrupted service during the beta phase and is not obligated to provide compensation for any service interruptions or related issues.


6.4 Feedback and Usage Data

As a participant in the beta program, you may be required to provide feedback and usage data to the Company. This information is essential for the improvement and development of the beta product. You agree to provide feedback and usage data as requested by the Company and to cooperate in the enhancement of the product’s performance and functionality.


6.5 Duration

The expected duration of the beta program will be until 31st March, 2024.


6.6 Support Plan

Please note that customer support during the beta phase may be limited, and response times may vary. While we will make reasonable efforts to address your inquiries and issues, it is important to understand that the level of support may not be the same as in a production environment.