Service Dashboards

1. Feature Overview

Dashboards provide a visual representation of ticket data, allowing you to track performance trends, monitor SLA achievement, and identify areas for improvement. By offering real-time insights, they help you and your team make data-driven decisions, prioritize tasks, and ensure efficient customer service.

Admins, Supervisors, Group Managers, and Agents can access the Dashboards page. Admins and managers can use dashboards to evaluate team productivity and optimize resource allocation, while agents can track their progress and performance.

LeadSquared Service CRM


2. Access and Permissions

To access the Dashboard screen –

  1. Log in to your Service CRM account (
  2. On the left menu panel, click LeadSquared Service CRM.
  3. You can now view ticket-related data on the My Dashboards screen.
Note: Agents and Light Agents will not be able to view the Unassigned tile.

LeadSquared Service CRM

Each role comes with a set of predefined permissions, as listed below –

  • Agents can view performance data for tickets assigned to them.
  • Group Managers can view performance data for tickets assigned to them and their group members.
  • Supervisors and Admins can view performance data for all tickets in their account, across all groups and user roles.
Note: Tickets marked as Spam and Trash, along with deleted tickets, will not be included when calculating performance data on the Dashboard. Only live tickets will be considered.


3. Filters

Filters allow you to customize data based on specific parameters. You can filter tickets to focus on particular time periods, ticket statuses, priority levels, and more. Filters also let you analyze individual agent and service group performances, which helps improve efficiency and productivity. You can apply the following filters on the Dashboards page –

3.1 Date Range

Filter the Dashboard across the following time frames –

  • Last 24 hrs – Displays ticket performance data from the past 24 hours. If you apply this filter at 4 PM today, you’ll see data from 4 PM yesterday to 4 PM today.
  • Today – Displays ticket performance data for the current calendar day (i.e., starting from 12 AM today).
  • Yesterday – Displays data for the previous calendar day, starting from 12 AM yesterday to 11:59 PM yesterday.
  • Last 7 days – Presents data for the last 7 days, starting from yesterday. For example, if today is August 10th, this option covers data from August 3rd, 12 AM, to August 9th, 11:59 PM.
  • Last 30 days – Provides data for the last 30 days, starting from yesterday. For example, if today is July 2nd, this option covers data from June 2nd, 12 AM, to July 1st, 11:59 PM.
  • Custom – Select a custom date and time range to view the ticket data. You can select a date range of up to six months from the current day.

After selecting the date range, click Apply.

Note: Ticket data across date ranges are filtered according to Indian Standard Time (IST).

LeadSquared Service CRM

3.2 Groups

Allows you to filter tickets and view ticket performance based on the Service Groups to which these tickets were assigned. Unassigned tickets is also listed as an option.


  • You can select multiple groups when applying this filter.
  • Agents and Light Agents will not have access to this filter.

Only Group Managers, Supervisors, and Admins can use this filter.

Group Managers can only view their own groups. When they select a group from the dropdown, they can also choose specific agents within that group.

After selecting the date range, click Apply.

LeadSquared Service CRM

3.3 Agent

This filter allows you to view ticket-related metrics for individual agents or a group of agents in your organization. Only Group Managers, Supervisors, and Admins can use this filter. Group Managers will only be able to view agents within their assigned groups.

After selecting the date range, click Apply.


  • Agents will not have access to this filter.
  • Select multiple agents when applying the filter.

LeadSquared Service CRM


4. Other Dashboard Metrics

The following metrics are available on the Dashboard screen –

  • Dashboard Tiles – The following display tiles show –
    • New Tickets – New tickets created based on the filters applied.
    • Unassigned – Unassigned tickets in your account based on the applied filters.
    • Due Today – Tickets with resolution SLAs due on the current day.
    • Overdue – Tickets that have breached their resolution SLA.
    • Unresolved – Unresolved tickets in your account that match the applied filters.
    • Resolved – Resolved tickets in your account that match the applied filters.
Note: When you click on any of the tiles, you’ll be redirected to the Ticket Views page, where the tickets are filtered according to the tile you clicked. For example, if you click on Overdue, you’ll be taken to the Ticket Views page, and only the Overdue tickets will be visible.

LeadSquared Service CRM

  • Total Ticket Stats – Displays the total number of tickets for the selected date range. You can also filter the graph by –
    • Received vs Resolved – Plots the total number of tickets received against the total number of tickets resolved within the selected date range, displayed as a line graph.
    • Unresolved vs Overdue – Displays the total number of unresolved tickets versus the total number of overdue tickets within the selected date range, shown as a bar graph.

LeadSquared Service CRM

  • Time Stats – This tile contains details about the time taken to resolve tickets that satisfy the applied filters –
    • Average First Response Time – This measures the average time taken to respond to a new ticket. The time displayed is based on the working hours defined in your account’s SLA policy. For example, if your workday is defined as 9 AM to 5 PM, and the average first response time shows 10 hours, it means the first response is sent on Day 2 at 11 AM. This is calculated using –
      LeadSquared Service CRM
    • Average Response Time – The average time taken to respond to emails received on a ticket. For example, if responses are sent every 3 hours, the average response time would be 3 hours. This is calculated using –
      LeadSquared Service CRM
    • Average Resolution Time – The average time taken to resolve tickets. This is calculated using –
      LeadSquared Service CRM

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  • SLA Stats – This tile provides information on SLA resolution for tickets that match the applied filters –
    • First Response within SLA – The percentage of tickets for which the first response time is within the first response SLA defined in your account. This is calculated using –
      LeadSquared Service CRM
    • Resolution within SLA – The percentage of tickets resolved within the resolution SLAs set up in your account. This is calculated using –
      LeadSquared Service CRM
    • First Contact Resolution – The percentage of tickets resolved during the initial contact with the customer. This is calculated using –
      LeadSquared Service CRM
  • Tickets by Priority – Displays the tickets that match the applied filters, categorized by Ticket Priority.
  • Tickets by Status – Displays the tickets that match the applied filters, categorized by Ticket Status.

LeadSquared Service CRM

  • Tickets by Channel – Displays the count of tickets that match the applied filters, categorized by ticket channels.
  • Tickets by Type – Displays the count of tickets that match the applied filters, categorized by the ticket types set up in your account.
  • Escalated Tickets – Tickets that have been escalated to a higher level of support due to their complexity.

LeadSquared Service CRM

  • Customer Satisfaction – Displays the Customer Satisfaction rating for tickets that match the applied filters.
  • Call Trends – Lists the call trends (such as total calls, missed incoming calls, etc.) for tickets that match the applied filters.

LeadSquared Service CRM

  • Group and Agent Tickets – This tile displays all tickets categorized by group and agent. The data is automatically rendered as a Group Performance and Agent Performance report. To view these reports, click View Report.

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  • Most Threaded Tickets – This tile displays tickets that have accumulated more than 5 replies in total, including both agent and customer responses, and that meet the applied filters.

LeadSquared Service CRM


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