We finished the 19th production update of LeadSquared on Sunday, Oct 12th, 2014. Please clear your browser cache to access the latest copy of the LeadSquared App (Use Control + F5 key on windows and Command + R keys on Mac to clear cache). Here are the release notes capturing significant changes:
NEW: SMS Marketing Connector
We have a fully revamped SMS Marketing Connector in LeadSquared. You can interact leads via SMS as you have been doing using Emails. It support one-to-one SMS, one-to-many SMS, SMS Campaigns to lead lists and Landing Page Autoresponder SMS. You can configure your own SMS sender name and also create your own templates!
Admin users can find the connector under My Account -> Settings -> Connectors and Webhooks -> Connector -> Add Connector. You need SMS credits in your account to start using it. Please get in touch with your LeadSquared Account Manager for the same.
To know more about the SMS Marketing Connector, check LeadSquared SMS Marketing Connector.
NEW: Lead Distribution Automation App
Using the new Lead Distribution Automation App, you can automate the distribution of incoming Leads to your LeadSquared users by creating rules on Lead field data. For example, you may want to distribute leads to a group of LeadSquared users in round-robin manner based on its location, interest, budget, education.
With Lead Distribution App, you can build a series of rules and assign leads to one specific user or to a user among group of users in round-robin manner. You (Admin users) can find the App under My Account -> Settings -> Connectors and Webhooks -> Connector -> Add Connector.
To know more, check Lead Distribution Automation in LeadSquared.
NEW: Zopim Chat Connector
We have added one more connector to our expanding connector library. With chat tools, we already had Olark Chat Connector, we now have integration with Zopim chat as well. So you can start capturing the Zopim chat leads also in LeadSquared. Read this article to get started: How to get Leads from Zopim Chat in LeadSquared?
NEW: Capture Email Senders and Recipients as Leads
Inbound leads to your sales enquiry email ids and outbound emails to your leads from your email clients like outlook, gmail etc can be captured as Leads in LeadSquared using the new MarkCopy connector. You just need to generate your organization’s unique MarkCopy email id and get the inbound or outbound email “Marked a Copy” to it. Get started with MarkCopy: Capture Email Sender and Recipients as Leads using Markcopy Connector.
Redesigned Analytics Page
As we update a number of new reports in LeadSquared, we have redesigned he Analytics Page to better organize and search for reports. Check it out:
Host your external landing pages in LeadSquared
While we are working on refreshing our current Landing page designer to create Responsive Landing Pages, we have provided an option to host your external Landing pages within LeadSquared. Here is an example of such a Landing Page.
here is the help article on the same: Creating Landing Page from HTML.
Pause and Update Individual Steps of Email Autoresponder
We have added the option of pausing individual step of Email Autorepsonder and Editing it without impacting the other steps. Just Edit the Autoresponder as illustrated below:
And then pause to make the changes. Start the actions after you done.
Search Based on Sales Activity
You can now search for leads based on their Sales Activity.
Tons of new APIs
We have added a number of new APIs with this release. Developers who want to know more can contact us at support@leadsquared.com .