Ticket Assignment Rules

1. Feature Overview

Once tickets are created (either by a user or the system), Assignment Rules automatically distribute them to agents and Service Groups based on the conditions configured. This setup eliminates the need for manual ticket assignment by managers. The system evaluates user availability and workload to assign tickets to those with the capacity to handle them. Examples can include setting up rules to assign tickets –

  • Created in the Delhi region only to agents working in Delhi.
  • With the Status “Open” to the L1 team.
  • With email subject lines that contain the word “Urgent” to the high-priority team.
  • Created through Social Media channels to the dedicated Social Media support team.

This article helps you set up and configure ticket assignment rules in your account.

LeadSquared Service CRM


2. Prerequisites

  • Service CRM is a paid feature. To enable it, contact your account manager, or write to scsupport@leadsquared.com.
  • You must be a Service CRM Admin to create assignment rules in your account.
  • Enable permissions for Others on the Manage Service Permissions page, and configure the number of tickets that can be assigned to each user.


3. How it Works

  1. Set up a trigger for the assignment rule, based on any ticket or lead field (system and custom fields are available).
  2. When the rule triggers, select if the tickets should be assigned to an individual user or a Service Group.
    • If you opt for a Service Group, configure the order of ticket assignment to the agents within the group.
  3. After you’ve selected this, configure how many tickets are assigned to users, and if the assignment happens based on their availability or capacity.
  4. Once you’re satisfied, publish the rule.

If you have multiple assignment rules, select the order in which the rules are listed, because the first rule in the list is the primary rule.


4. Create Rules

Once you log in to LeadSquared (https://login.leadsquared.com/), to create rules in your account –

  1. Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Service Cloud.
  2. Under Workflows, click Assignment Rules.
  3. On the Assignment Rules screen, click Create Assignment Rule.

LeadSquared Service CRM


5. Basic Details

Enter the following details, and add the conditions based on which you want the tickets to be assigned –

  • Name – Enter a name for the rule. This is mandatory.
  • Description – Enter a description for the rule.
  • Set Conditions – Click Add Conditions to configure the conditions based on which the ticket assignment rule gets triggered. We’ll set up an example rule to assign all tickets with the status “Open” to the ‘Slough Service Group’. On the Set Conditions pop-up –
    • All Tickets – This is the “AND” operator. All tickets that satisfy the set conditions are assigned to the selected users/group. For example, if you add a rule for City and select Delhi, and add another rule for Status and select Open, then only those tickets created with the City field populated with Delhi and with the Status set to Open are assigned to the user/group you select. The ticket will only be assigned if both conditions are satisfied.
    • Any Tickets – This is the “OR” operator. Any tickets that satisfy the set conditions are assigned to the selected users/group. For example, if you add a rule for City and select Delhi, and add another rule for Status and select Open, those tickets that either have the City field populated with Delhi or with the Status set to Open, are assigned to the user/group you select. Even if one of these conditions are satisfied, the ticket will get assigned.
    • Select – From this dropdown, select the ticket field or lead field. The assignment rule is triggered based on its value. You can choose from both system and custom ticket/lead (customer) fields. We’re selecting the Status ticket field.
    • Operator – Based on the type of field you’ve selected, select a relevant operator from the list of options provided. Some of the options you’ll find are “is”, “is not”, “contains”, “starts with”, “is defined”, and so on. We’re selecting “is”.
    • Value – Based on the type of field you’ve selected, enter or select a value here. Since the Status ticket field has predefined values, we’ll select “Open” here.
    • Add Rule – Click this to add multiple rules within the same group.
    • Add Group – To add multiple conditions, click Add Group. Once you’ve added a new group of conditions, select “AND” or “OR”.
      Once you’re done, click Set.
  • Trigger Upon – Select if you want the assignment rule to trigger –
    • Ticket Create – The rule is triggered when a new ticket is created and satisfies the conditions set. Then, configure if the rule applies only to –
      • System generated tickets
      • User created tickets
    • Ticket Edit – The rule is triggered when an existing ticket is edited, and if it then satisfies the conditions set. Then, select which ticket property needs to be updated for the rule to trigger.

Once you’re done, click Next.


  • To remove a condition, click LeadSquared Service CRM.
  • To delete a group, click LeadSquared Service CRM.
  • To edit an existing rule, click LeadSquared Service CRM.

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6. Routing, Assignment & Notifications

Once the trigger is configured, assign the ticket to an Individual (agent) or a Service Group.

6.1 Individual

Here, assign tickets to individual agents (users). An example of this option is when tickets with specific issues can only be assigned to agents with the expertise to resolve them. Once you select the Assignment Type as Individual

  1. Select – Under Individual, from the Select dropdown, choose the agent you want the ticket to be assigned to once the rule is triggered.
  2. Routing Method – The sequence in which you want the tickets to be assigned to the selected agent. But here, since the ticket is directly assigned to the agent you’ve selected, the Routing Method is by default set to Direct, and you cannot edit it.
  3. Parameters – Select the Parameters the system will use to determine if the selected agent has the bandwidth to work on this ticket. Select either or both the options listed below. This is optional* –
    •  Availability – When this is selected, the ticket is assigned to the user only when they mark their status as Available (Online). Your agents can mark their status through the Check-in/Check-out pop-up.
      LeadSquared Service CRM
    • Capacity – When selected, the ticket is assigned to the user based on the ticket limits configured for them. For example, if the limit for an agent is set to three tickets (created through Chat), and if three tickets are created and assigned to him (through chat), the next ticket created through chat will not be assigned to him. To configure these limits, refer to Manage Service Permission.
  4. Notifications – Choose whether you want users to be notified when a ticket is assigned to them. Once you select Yes, from the list of options in the Who should be Notified dropdown, select the agent to be notified.
  5. Once you’re done, click Save. The assignment rule is now live, and the tickets are assigned to the selected agent.


  • *If you don’t select either option, tickets will continue to be assigned to your users based on the existing routing rule.
  • You cannot assign tickets to multiple individual users through the same assignment rule. Each assignment rule you set up only assigns tickets to a single user.

LeadSquared Service CRM

6.2 Service Group

Here, assign tickets to Service Groups. Once the ticket is assigned to a specific group, configure the order in which these tickets are assigned to agents within the group. An example of this option is when tickets created in the Delhi region must be assigned to the Delhi Service Group. The steps to configure the assignment rules for Service Groups are similar to the previous section.


  • When you select Service Group, you can also assign tickets to Group Managers.
  • Routing Method – It’s the sequence in which the tickets are assigned to the agents in the group.
    • Round Robin – When selected, the system will sequentially assign tickets to each agent in the group. For instance, if three users are in the group – Tim, Gareth, and Keith – the system will assign the first ticket to Tim, the second to Gareth, the third to Keith, the fourth to Tim again, and so forth.
    • Manual – When selected, the Group Manager must manually distribute tickets to the agents in the group.
      • Manual ticket assignment will override existing Availability and Capacity rules. For example, if user availability is selected and a user (Joe) is unavailable, his manager can still assign a ticket to him, which he will need to work on.

LeadSquared Service CRM

6.3 User Specific

Here, assign tickets to Service CRM user roles. Choose between the Last Ticket Owner and the Lead Owner.

  • Last Ticket Owner – If a customer has raised a previous ticket, the Service CRM user assigned to that ticket will automatically receive the new ticket created for the same customer. For example, if a customer (Syed) raised a ticket in April for a payment issue and it was assigned to Service Agent John, and Syed raises another ticket in September for a product issue, the new ticket will be assigned to John.
  • Lead Owner – This option can be configured only if Hybrid Users are enabled and configured in your account. These users have access to the LeadSquared Sales Platform, along with the Service CRM platform. When selected, a new ticket is assigned to the lead owner. For example, if a customer (Syed) raises a ticket and this customer’s lead owner is Adam, the new ticket is assigned to Adam.

Once the ticket is assigned to the user role, you can choose to notify them. To do this, under Notifications, click Yes, and from the Who should be Notified dropdown, select Individual.

Once you’re done, click Save.

Note: If you’ve configured either of these options, but –

  • There’s no prior ticket raised by a specific lead, or
  • The Hybrid Users feature is not enabled on your account, then

The User-Specific assignment rule will be ignored, and other Individual or Service Group assignment rules will be considered.

LeadSquared Service CRM


7. Rules Order

Rules are listed in order of priority. The first rule in the list is used as the primary (main) rule when assigning tickets. If the first rule’s conditions aren’t met, the second rule is checked. If the conditions match, the second rule will be followed. Otherwise, the conditions of the third rule are checked, and so on.

  1. To edit the order of the assignment rules in your account, click Re-order.
  2. Drag and drop the rules in the order of your preference.
  3. Once you’re done, click Save Order.

LeadSquared Service CRM


8. Dequeuing

Dequeuing is the process of removing tickets from the ticket assignment queue and assigning them to an agent for resolution. This ensures efficient distribution and timely addressing of support tickets. To configure the dequeuing order –

  1. On the Assignment Rules page, click Dequeuing Configuration.
  2. On the pop-up, select the order in which you want tickets to be dequeued –
    • Created Date – Tickets with the oldest creation dates are dequeued and assigned. For example, if one ticket was created on January 11th, at 2 PM, and another on January 11th at 5 PM, the ticket created at 2 PM will be dequeued first. This is the default option.
    • First Response SLA – Tickets with the shortest First Response SLA time are dequeued and assigned first. For example, if one ticket has a First Response SLA at 12 PM and another at 12:10 PM, the ticket with the 12 PM SLA will be dequeued first.
    • Resolution SLA – Tickets with the shortest Resolution SLA time are dequeued and assigned first. For example, if one ticket has a Resolution SLA at 5 PM and another at 5:10 PM, the ticket with the 5 PM SLA will be dequeued first.
    • Priority – Tickets with the highest priority levels are dequeued and assigned first. For example, if three tickets have High, Medium, and Low priority levels, the ticket with High priority is assigned first, followed by the Medium priority ticket, and then the Low priority ticket.
  3. Once you’re done, click Save.

Note: If multiple tickets have the same SLA, priority, or creation date, all three metrics are used for dequeuing. For example:

  • If three tickets share the same SLA (5 PM) and priority (High), the ticket created first will be dequeued first.
  • If three tickets are created simultaneously with the same SLA but different priority levels, the ticket with the highest priority will be dequeued first.

LeadSquared Service CRM


9. Other Actions

Once a rule is published, perform the following actions on the rule once it’s live –

  • Edit – Edit the details and assignment conditions of the rule.
  • Clone – Clone the existing rule, and create a duplicate.
  • Deactivate – Deactivate an existing rule. This will ensure the rule conditions are still stored in our system, giving you the option to re-activate the rule in the future.
  • Delete – Delete the rule and its configurations. This permanently removes the rule conditions from our system, and you will not be able to retrieve it in the future.

LeadSquared Service CRM


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