Mobile App Additional Settings

Feature Overview

You can configure the mobile app at a granular level for your sales users through the Mobile App Additional Settings. To access the settings, from the LeadSquared web app, navigate to My Profile>Settings>Mobile App>Additional Settings.

LeadSquared - Mobile App - Additional Settings


App Related

Setting Description
App ScreenshotEnable the Slider slider to allow screenshot and video capture of the mobile app. This setting is only applicable to the LeadSquared Android App.
Check In and Out Entity LevelPass a JSON here to enable check-in and check-out at the entity level. To know more, refer to Lead Level Check-in and Check-out.
Check-in/Check-Out location and time restrictions.Pass a JSON here to restrict users from checking in/checking out on the mobile app based on the time and location preferences.
Enforce Secure LockThis will lock the LeadSquared mobile app, and whenever the app is launched, it can be unlocked only from the device level (e.g., through fingerprint unlock, mobile pin code unlock, etc.). This will add an additional layer of security to the mobile app, by ensuring only the mobile device owner can view data inside LeadSquared.

Once enabled, if the app is unlocked but it remains in the background for 15-minutes, the app is automatically locked.

Enforce Strict Address Look-upEnable the Slider slider to remove Google Plus codes in retrieved lead location. This is an android specific setting.
Hide Menu OptionsEnter the menu options to be hidden from the Settings menu.
Image linked Check-in/outEnable this setting to make it mandatory for users to capture a photo of themselves during the check-in/out process. You can choose to enable this setting for –

  • Check-in only
  • Check-out only or
  • Both Check-in and Check-out

Set the Location Tracking Accuracy as V2-High for this feature to work.

Location accuracy levelSelect the accuracy level (low, medium, or high) of the location fetched. By default, this level will be set to low. With higher accuracy levels, battery consumption also increases.
Minimum Version(s) SupportedFrom the dropdown, configure the LeadSquared mobile app update frequency for your users –

  • 0 Latest Only – To ensure your users are always using the latest app version, select this option. Once selected, and if a new app version is available on the Playstore/Appstore, users will not be able to access the app until they update it to the latest version.
  • Past 2 – If a user’s app version is older than the latest app on the Playstore/Appstore by 2 versions, they will not be able to access the app. For example, if a user’s app version is v14.5, but the latest app version is v14.8, the user won’t be able to access the app until they update it.
  • Past 4 – If a user’s app version is older than the latest app on the Playstore/Appstore by 4 versions, they will not be able to access the app. For example, if a user’s app version is v14.3, but the latest app version is v14.8, the user won’t be able to access the app until they update it.
Nudge ConnectorIf the Nudges Connector is installed and configured in your account, this slider will be enabled by default. The slider cannot be enabled or disabled from this screen. To enable the Nudges Connector, reach out to your account manager, or write to
SFDC SSO ConfigurationPass a JSON in a defined format here to configure SFDC SSO within mobile.
Side Menu – View All ItemsEnable the Slider slider to view the items on the bottom navigation bar on the side menu as well.

LeadSquared - App Related Mobile app additional settings



Setting Description
Images CompressionBy default, the image compression setting is set to “High”. You can change this using the following –

  • High – The images uploaded will be of high compression, low-quality resolution, and small file size.
  • Medium – The images uploaded will be of medium compression, medium-quality resolution, and medium file size.
  • Low – The images uploaded will be of low compression, high-quality resolution, and large file size.
  • Disabled – The images uploaded will not be compressed, will be of very high-quality resolution, and be a very large file.
Restrict file uploadRestrict your users from attaching files through the “Attach/Browse file” options present under the Attachment and File type fields. For e.g., during a lead’s KYC verification, this setting ensures your field users capture the lead’s photo, rather than attaching and uploading photos shared with them by the lead.

The following options can be set –

  • Disable – The setting is disabled. Users can continue to attach files across the mobile app.
  • Across app* – Users are restricted from using the “Attach/Browse file” options across the mobile app.
  • Across app expect Notes – Users are restricted from using the “Attach/Browse file” options across the app, except when attaching files to the Notes field.

*If the Restrict file upload Mobile App Setting is set to Across App, you can override this setting for specific CFS fields, and allow your users to upload files to this CFS. This will ensure your users can’t upload files to any location inside the LeadSquared application, except for the CFS field for which this setting is enabled. To do this, when creating or editing a Custom Field Set, enable the Override ‘Restrict file upload’ mobile setting.

LeadSquared - Attachments



Setting Description
Activity Audio RecordingPass a JSON here to record the audio of face-to-face meetings through the LeadSquared mobile app. To know more, please refer to Audio Recording for F2F Meetings.
Allow only current location in Lead’s AddressThis is a form level setting. When enabled, the user can fetch their current location and populate the lead’s Address. Users will not be able to manually edit any of these Address fields. To enable this feature, enter the relevant comma-separated Form IDs.
Bulk Contacts ImportEnable the Slider slider to allow users to bulk import contacts from their mobile device. This feature is only available for iOS devices. You can bulk import a maximum of 20 contacts. All the validations set at the lead field level will be verified while importing contacts. Users will be prompted with errors if any of these validations fail. When you import contacts, leads will be created with the following details –

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email id
  • Phone
  • Company
  • Website
  • Notes
Forms: Open i-frame linkFrom your LeadSquared app, you can open i-Frame links –

  • Within the mobile app. This action happens by default.
  • In your mobile device’s browser. To know more about forms and processes, please refer to Forms and Processes on Mobile.
Forms: OTP re-verificationEnable multiple OTP verifications in the Email and Phone fields of a form. This will be required every time a user submits a form.
GeofencingTo ensure your field sales users can post custom activities only when they are in the lead’s vicinity, refer to LeadSquared Geofencing.
Import ContactEnable the Slider slider to allow user to import contacts while adding leads.
Mavis search preferenceAdmins can define the search preference for Mavis dropdown fields within the dynamic form. Contains setting retrieves all options that contain the entered text. Starts With setting retrieves all options that begin with the entered text.
Prefetch location in Lead’s addressWhen enabled, the Address 1 Lead Field in a form will be auto-populated with the user’s current location. To enable this feature, enter the relevant comma-separated Form IDs.
Set current location in lead addressThis is a tenant level setting. When enabled, the user’s current location is fetched and auto-populated as the lead’s Address. Users will not be able to manually edit any of these Address fields. This is to ensure users physically visit leads while adding them to LeadSquared.
Text RecognitionBy default, you can use the mobile app to capture text from images. To disable this feature across the mobile app, enable Text Recognition.
Work Area ValidationBy passing a JSON, you can restrict your users from performing all actions (such as Add Leads, Update Tasks, etc.) on the LeadSquared mobile app. For e.g., you can restrict your users from performing actions until they have completed their training, until their background verification check is complete, etc.
Access will be restricted based on the value of a Custom User Field. For e.g., you can enable access only when the value of the ‘Training Status’ custom field is ‘Completed’. To enable this feature on your account, reach out to your account manager, or write to

By passing a JSON, you can customize the message that is displayed on the Mandatory Check-in popup in the mobile app.

Sample JSON

  "workAreaValidationMethods": [
"method": "Checkin",
      "forceCheckin" : "true",
       "forceCheckinMessage" : ""

LeadSquared - Mobile app additional settings - forms


Gesture Actions

Setting Description
Lead Card – Left SwipeConfigure the Lead Card to perform any one of the following actions when the card is swiped left –

  • Disable – The setting is disabled, and the default action (Message Lead on Android devices and Add Task/Call/Message on iOS devices) is performed.
  • Call – A phone call is placed to the lead.
  • Message – A text message is sent to the lead.
  • Add activity – Allows you to select the activity type you want to add to the lead.
  • Converse – Allows you to message the lead using Converse.
  • Add task – Allows you to select the task type you want to add to the lead.
Lead Card – Right SwipeConfigure the Lead Card to perform any one of the following actions when the card is swiped right –

  • Disable – The setting is disabled, and the default action (Call Lead on Android devices and no action on iOS devices) is performed.
  • Call – A phone call is placed to the lead.
  • Message – A text message is sent to the lead.
  • Add activity – Allows you to select the activity type you want to add to the lead.
  • Add task – Allows you to select the task type you want to add to the lead.
Opportunity Card – Left SwipeConfigure the Opportunity Card to perform any one of the following actions when the card is swiped left –

  • Disable – The setting is disabled, and the default action (Add Task/Add Activity on Android and iOS devices) is performed.
  • Call – A phone call is placed to the opportunity.
  • Message – A text message is sent to the opportunity.
  • Add activity – Allows you to select the activity type you want to add to the opportunity.
  • Add task – Allows you to select the task type you want to add to the opportunity.
Opportunity Card – Right SwipeConfigure the Opportunity Card to perform any one of the following actions when the card is swiped right –

  • Disable – The setting is disabled, and the default action (no action on Android devices and Call Opportunity on iOS devices) is performed.
  • Call – A phone call is placed to the opportunity.
  • Message – A text message is sent to the opportunity.
  • Add activity – Allows you to select the activity type you want to add to the opportunity.
  • Add task – Allows you to select the task type you want to add to the opportunity.

Gesture Actions



Hide Lead AgeEnable this setting to hide the lead’s age on the Lead Card.




Location Tracking AccuracyConfigure this setting to set the accuracy of the location tracking feature on Mobile App. Keep in mind that as you increase the location tracking accuracy, the users’ battery consumption will also increase.

LeadSquared - Location tracking accuracy setting


Near Me

Explore – Google KeyEnter your Google Map API Key to fetch and display businesses near you when using the Explore – Near Me feature.
Explore – KeywordsEnter keywords denoting businesses (e.g., Supermarkets, Hospitals, Gyms, etc.) you want to show by default when using the Explore – Near Me feature.
Explore – Suggestive SearchEnable this setting to display suggestions when using the Explore – Near Me search bar. For e.g., when users type “Hos”, the search results will show a list of all the places that contain the words “Hos” in their title, like Hosmat Hospital, Manipal Hospital, etc.
Geo AlertsEnable this setting to receive notifications about leads located near the user. Each notification will provide users with relevant details about nearby leads, such as the lead’s name and location. They can also take actions like calling the lead or navigating to their location using Google Maps directly from the notification. To use this feature,

  1. Enable the Geo Alerts feature under the Notifications settings on the mobile app.
  2. Ensure the location and notification permissions in the LeadSquared mobile app are turned on.

Once enabled,

  • Users will receive notifications when they mark a task complete or when they’ve been in the same location for over 30 minutes without completing a task or posting an activity.
  • Notifications will include the three nearest leads within a 3-kilometer radius, sorted by distance from their current location. If there are more leads available, those with no recent activities will be prioritized.
  • Users will receive a maximum of two notifications per day, with at least a two-hour gap between them.
  • If users haven’t received any notifications for two consecutive days, the radius for lead notifications will be broadened to 5 kilometers.
Lead – Custom FilterOnce enabled, filter leads on ‘Near Me’ based on any system or custom dropdown field, including searchable dropdowns, large option sets, multi-select dropdowns, dropdowns with others.

You can select a maximum of 5 options.

Lead – Switch to V2Before you enable the Lead – Custom Filter setting, enable Lead – Switch to V2.
Near Me – Measurement UnitsFrom the dropdown, select the relevant option to display the Near Me radius either in Kilometers, Meters or Miles, Yards.

Leadsquared - Near Me



Opportunity Call TrackingWhen enabled, outbound calls placed from the following pages will be tracked as activities on the opportunity instead of the lead –

  • Opportunity List.
  • Opportunity Details.
  • Opportunity Smart Views list.
  • Opportunity Smart Views.

For inbound calls, users will be given an option to track the activity on the lead or opportunity.

LeadSquared - Opportunity call tracking setting


Lead Partial SearchWhen enabled, on the On Lead Lists and Lead Smart Views, you can search for leads using partial keywords. For example, if you search for “Mar”, leads with the names “Marcus”, “Mark”, “Marianne”, etc., will show up in the search results.
Search PreferenceUse the following options to define the Lead and Account search behaviour across the mobile app –

  • Default – Enter the lead’s full name (e.g., John Smith) when searching for a lead. All the leads that contain the keywords entered (e.g, John Wayne, Alan Smith, etc.) will show up in the search results.
  • Partial – Enter the lead’s partial name (e.g., if you enter “Mar”, leads with the names “Marcus”, “Mark”, “Marianne”, etc., will show up) when searching for a lead.
  • Strict Search – Enter the lead’s/account’s exact name (e.g., John Smith, Bangalore Finance) when searching for a lead/account. Only the lead/account that contains both the keywords entered will show up in the search results.


Once you’re done, click Save.


  • If the swipe action is customized for one side only (left or right), it will be disabled for the other side (the default actions will not be displayed on the other side).
  • Enable the Location Tracking on LeadSquared Mobile feature is enabled on your account before you pass the Geofencing JSON.
  • Users will not be able to post Geofenced activities on a lead that does not have a location.
  • Your users must have an active internet connection for the Geofencing feature to work.


Any Questions?

Did you find this article helpful? Please let us know any feedback you may have in the comments section below. We’d love to hear from you and help you out!

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Sakhet Ram
Sakhet Ram
4 months ago

Hey, how do we capture the check in, check out location via mobile app? Is it only possible if location insights feature is enabled?

Oshin Anand
Reply to  Sakhet Ram
4 months ago

Hi, Sakhet.
If you’re talking about configuring Check-in and Check-out, here’s how you can do it. Note that you must be an administrator user to configure this feature.

1. Navigate to My Account>Settings>Users and Permissions>User Availability>User Check-In.
2. Click the slider alongside ‘User Check-In’.
3. Next, click the Configure button.
You can configure the feature either at the roles or groups level. To learn more, see User Management Features: Check-In and Check-out.

If you’re talking about accessing the check-in/check-out location information of your users, you can navigate to Reports and find it from the Check-in Check-out History and User Attendance Analysis Reports.

9 months ago

Details Customization is not added in this page

Dharshana Santhanam
Reply to  Amit
9 months ago

Hello, Amit.
The Details Customization setting is only available for customers who have the latest version of the mobile app enabled. If you do, you’ll find the tab under the Mobile App setting. Keep in mind that this setting is to customize the lead details view only on the mobile app. If you wish to customize this view on the web app, refer to Customize the Lead Details Page/View.

2 years ago

Please make another article on Geofencing.