How can I find Leads that Submitted on a Landing Page?

You can create a list of all leads who have submitted on your Landing Page. You can make use of this list to send further campaigns or nurture the leads by, say, sending special offers. You use this procedure to find leads and create a list of leads who submitted on your landing page.


  • Your leads are present in LeadSquared. Lists cannot be created without leads being present.
  • You have logged in to LeadSquared.
  • You have created and published a Landing Page.
  • When you are creating a landing page in LeadSquared, you can specify that the leads that submit on the landing page be grouped into a list. If you have specified that, then you can find the leads in the Manage Lists grid page.


1. There are two ways find leads that submitted on your Landing Page. The first way is by navigating to the landing page report and viewing the leads. For more information, see How to Use Landing Page Reports?

2. The second way is by manually searching and creating a  list from the leads who have submitted on a Landing Page. The procedure below describes the same.

(i) Navigate to Dashboard > Leads > Manage Lists. Click on Create New List.

Manage Lists

(ii) If you select Any Criteria, then the leads will be filtered based on any one of the specified criteria. If you select All criteria, then the leads will be filtered only if all the specified criteria are met. You can specify any number of criteria to filter the leads. You can click on Add button to specify additional criteria.

Any criteria

(iii) Select the All criteria check box. Next, select Landing Page in the field drop down. Select Is as the condition. Select the  Landing Page from the drop down.Next, add another criteria by selecting Activity in the field drop down. Select Is as the condition. Select Form Submitted on Website from the last drop down.

search criteria

(iv) Click on Search Leads. You will see leads that satisfy the given criteria.

matching the criteria

(v) Click on Save as Static List or as Dynamic List to add the leads to a list. Enter a suitable List Name. You can give a description to the list. Click on Save.

Now that you have created a List of leads who submitted on your landing page, you may want to export the lead details. You can do so by navigating to Dashboard > Leads > Manage Lists. Here click on the list that you have created. In the List Details page, export the lead details using the Export Leads function.

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