Bulk Export & Delete Data

1. Feature Overview

The Bulk Export and Delete Data feature allows you to export and delete custom activities from your account. You can also delete these activities in a single action, without exporting it. This feature lets you efficiently manage your storage by exporting and removing older data that your business no longer requires.

Key benefits include –

  • Simplified Data Management: Identify and export older records in bulk before deletion.
  • Storage Optimization: Free up storage space by clearing unnecessary data while retaining a backup.


  • To export activities from your account without deleting the activity data, refer to Export Activities.
  • This feature allows you to export and delete, or delete, up to 200,000 activities in a single request.

Leadsquared - Bulk Export & Delete Data


2. Prerequisites

  • To enable this feature, contact your account manager, or write to support@leadsquared.com.
  • You must be an admin to access this feature.


3. How it Works

  1. In the first step, select if you want to export and delete the data, or only delete the data (without exporting a backup).
  2. Then, select the custom activity you want to export and/or delete.
  3. Select a date range date range (30 days, custom range, etc.) outside of which you want to export and/or delete this activity.
    • Only activities modified outside the selected date range will be exported and/or deleted.
    • Activities modified within the date range will remain in your account.
      • For example, suppose today’s date is April 30th and you want to export and delete the “Document Collection” activity, and you select a 30-day date range. In that case, only activities modified before April 1st (more than 30 days ago) will be exported and deleted. Activities modified within the last 30 days, regardless of their creation date (such as a Document Collection activity posted on February 15th but modified on April 18th), will remain in your account.

If you choose to export and delete the activities, a CSV file will be generated in your LeadSquared account. You can download it anytime within 30 days from the date the request was created.

If you choose to delete the activities without exporting them, they will be permanently removed from your account, and no further action will be needed.


4. Create Bulk Export and Delete Data Request

To export and delete data –

  1. Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Data Protection & Privacy>Bulk Export & Delete Data.
  2. Click Create, and select Export & Delete.
  3. From the Activity Type dropdown, select the activity you want to export.
  4. From the Activities with ‘Modified On’ date older than dropdown, select the date range for which you want to export and delete the activities. Only activities modified outside the selected date range will be exported and deleted.
    • For instance, if the current date is April 30th and you select 30 days, activities modified before April 1st will be exported and deleted.*
    • You can also select Custom and enter a custom date range to export and delete activities modified outside this range.
  5. Once you’ve entered the relevant information, click Export and Delete.


  • *Activities modified within the last 30 days, regardless of their creation date (e.g., Document Collection activity posted on February 15th but modified on April 18th), will remain in your account.
  • You can select only one custom activity type at a time.
  • Core Activities, Service CRM Ticket Activities and Account Activities will not be displayed in the Activity Type dropdown.

LeadSquared Export and Delete Data

On the Confirm popup –

  1. You’re shown a summary of what you’ve selected to be exported and deleted, which includes –
    • The activity type and date range you’ve selected
    • The data that will be deleted (All Activity field data and All Activity & CFS Attachments)
  2. Before proceeding with data deletion, click Confirm.
    • This is to confirm your understanding of region-specific compliance guidelines.
  3. Then, on the Request In Progress popup, click Okay.
Note: Storage periods vary based on factors such as industry regulations, the type of data processing, and applicable legal requirements. For instance, in India, financial records are typically retained for seven years (six years plus the current year) as mandated by the Companies Act. Ensure you have fulfilled all statutory retention obligations before deleting the data.

LeadSquared Export and Delete Data


5. Create Delete Only Request

To delete your data without exporting a backup of it –

Note: Before proceeding, be aware that the Delete Only action is permanent, and deleted data cannot be retrieved. It is highly recommended you use the Bulk Export and Delete Data action instead.
  1. Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Data Protection & Privacy>Bulk Export & Delete Data.
  2. Click Create, and select Delete Only.
  3. From the Activities with ‘Modified On’ date older than dropdown, select the date range for which you want to delete the activities. Only activities modified outside the selected date range will be deleted.
    • For instance, if the current date is April 30th and you select 30 days, activities modified before April 1st will be deleted.*
    • You can also select Custom and enter a custom date range to delete activities modified outside this range.
  4. Once you’re done, click Delete.
Note: *Activities modified within the last 30 days, regardless of their creation date (e.g., Document Collection activity posted on February 15th but modified on April 18th), will remain in your account.

Leadsquared - Bulk Export & Delete Data

On the Confirm popup –

  1. You’re shown a summary of what you’ve selected to be exported and deleted, which includes –
    • The activity type and date range you’ve selected
    • The data that will be deleted (All Activity field data and All Activity & CFS Attachments)
  2. Before proceeding with data deletion, click Confirm.
    • This is to confirm your understanding of region-specific compliance guidelines.
  3. Then, on the Request In Progress popup, click Okay.
Note: Storage periods vary based on factors such as industry regulations, the type of data processing, and applicable legal requirements. For instance, in India, financial records are typically retained for seven years (six years plus the current year) as mandated by the Companies Act. Ensure you have fulfilled all statutory retention obligations before deleting the data.

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6. Bulk Export & Delete Data Grid

After creating the request, it will appear on the Bulk Export & Delete Grid with the following details –

Leadsquared - Bulk Export & Delete Data

Entity NameName of the activity.
Request TypeShows whether the request is for export and deletion, or deletion only.
Created ByThe name of the user who created the request.
Created OnThe date and time when the request was created.
No. of RecordsThe number of activities in the request.
StatusThe status of the request –

  • Success – The request has been successfully executed.
  • Failed – The request has failed.
  • In Queue – The request has been created and is awaiting execution.
  • In Progress – The request is currently being executed.
  • Revoked – The user has cancelled the request while it was in the queue.

You can also perform the following actions from the actions grid –

6.1 View Report

Once the request is completed, you can download and view a report anytime.

  1. On the Bulk Export & Delete Data grid, under Actions, click LeadSquared - Settings icon.
  2. Select View Report. The report will be automatically downloaded as a CSV file to your device.

Leadsquared - Bulk Export & Delete Data

6.2 Download CSV File

Once the export request is completed, you can download the export data as a CSV file.

  1. On the Bulk Export & Delete Data grid, under Actions, click LeadSquared - Settings icon.
  2. Select Download, and on the Download Exported Data popup, click Download. The system will download the data as multiple CSVs.
Note: From the date the Export and Delete request is created, all files will be available for download for only 30 days. The number of days remaining will be displayed in a blue header message. After 30 days, attempting to download the file will display an error message.

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6.3 Revoke Request

All requests are processed during off-business hours. You can revoke the requests you’ve made when it’s in the ‘In Queue’ status.

  1. On the Bulk Export & Delete Data grid, under Actions, click LeadSquared - Settings icon.
  2. Select Revoke, and on the Message popup, click Yes, Revoke Request.
Note: The Revoke action will only be visible for requests with the status ‘In Queue’.

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7. Notifications

When you create a request, you’ll receive a confirmation email (to the email ID used to create your LeadSquared account) with details such as the activity name, the date and time the request was created, the total number of records, and the request status. The email subject will specify the status and type of request (Export & Delete or Delete).

Leadsquared - Bulk Export & Delete Data

When the request is successfully executed, all the admin users in your account will receive an email. The subject of the email will indicate the status of the request, in this case, “Success.”

Leadsquared - Bulk Export & Delete Data

If a request fails to execute, only the user who created it will receive an email. The email subject will indicate the status of the request, in this case, “Failed.”

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8. Errors

8.1 Exceeding Limit Within a Single Request

A maximum of 200,000 records can be processed per request. If you attempt to process more, the request will not proceed, and you will be prompted to reduce the number of records by adjusting the date range.

Leadsquared - Bulk Export & Delete Data

8.2 Exceeding Limit While Creating Multiple Requests

You can create multiple export and delete requests on this page, but the total number of records in the queue cannot exceed 1,000,000 (one million). If the queue already contains 1,000,000 records, you will need to wait until the existing requests are processed before creating a new one.

If you attempt additional requests, an error message will appear – “Multiple requests to export and delete data are in queue. Please wait till the existing requests are processed.”

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8.3 Another Request Already Exists

You can create only one request at a time for a single activity type. For example, in the image below, “Document Collection” cannot be processed because an existing request to export and delete the this activity is already in the queue. Attempting to create another request for the same activity type will result in an error message – “Another request for the same Activity Type already exists.”

Leadsquared - Bulk Export & Delete Data

8.4 Access Denied

Only admins have access to the Bulk Export & Delete Data page. If users with other roles attempt to access the page, they will see an “Access Denied” error message.

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